@ricardo_leal3 I see, interesting! And do you struggle to quickly and efficiently find information across those emails? Do you have your own organisation system or?
@patrick_sao_e14@eren_socialclub impressive🚀 Do you have a system for them so you can keep track on what account does what or how do you search for specific emails?
@sandradjajic I like being organized so this is why I don't have many!
2 of the company emails are also under my control but didn't count them
Yes, it's easy for me
Was harder at the beginning though - but got used with it
@sandradjajic The account is basically a placeholder to get into some apps whenever I test them out, I don't bother reading through the emails in that account lol
Only gmail accounts? you need to diversify 😂 (I have one connected to our domain, so it uses gmail as the provider, but doesn't end with gmail) Then I have 2 others. And then I have like 10-20 others from other providers. protonmail, outlook, iCloud
@sentry_co Righttt hahaha diversification is a key!!!😅
But how aren't you overwhelmed by so many accounts tho? Ever had difficulties finding something you need across them?
@sandradjajic Gmail app can have many accounts. Protonmail is its own app. The rest goes into default mail app on iPhone. Altho im going to start using superhuman soon. ....aaand klu.so when the get on the appstore and I can pay for it with the corporate Apple Pay account 😬. any day now 😅
@sara_jalildokhti Thanks for sharing! Do you feel is too much and you struggle to find necessary information within them easily? Or do you have your own organisation system?😄
@cloodoworkspace Wow do you ever feel overwhelmed with this amount? 😱 How do you make sure you always have a quick access to all the info in those emails?
@sergeipetrov well someone needed to ask this at some point, we all waited for it 🤣
But 3 sounds quite minimalistic and organized still! do you always remember what info is in what email ?
@filippo_pietrantonio I feel that number 4 is very common in this discussion 🙈 but do you have struggles sometimes trying to figure out in which of these 4 emails is the information/ files you need? How do you keep track of them?