Nico Spijker

How many AI tools do you use on a weekly basis?


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Aditya Saxena
only 2. ChatGPT and my own :)
Harsh Vyas
I typically use 2 or 3 AI tools per week. How about you?
Nico Spijker
@harsh2vyas About 5/6 I think 🤔 I do text, audio and video though so need to switch quite a bit between apps.
Diksha Patro B
Around 3-4. Typically - ClaudeAI, ChatGPT, Microsoft Copilot, Bard, GenmoAI
Nico Spijker
@dikshapatrob What makes you switch between LLM's? Since Claude, ChatGPT and Bard have similar use cases?
Diksha Patro B
@nicolaas_spijker I use them for different things based on my experience with them. Claude is just hands down great for Copywriting but lacks context and insights. ChatGPT is great for research, going deeper for insights and content curation (notice the difference between Copywriting and content curation) and Bard for Quick Live insights and context ( I use Bard rarely when it's for quick notes and live insights since I don't use paid subscription for GPT 4).
Igor Lysenko
I use one AI tool Ixy