1. 🏝 Side project
2 months earlier I launched
Onboarding love 🖤
Helped us to:
✔️better understand how PH works
✔️engage with community
✔️make mistakes and we did
For example: first launch was too late and on Friday:)
2. 🔥Warm up
Engage in discussions before on PH.
🧐Make them interesting
😎Make them related to your product
⏱Publish Monday
Test, test, test different messages
We initiated 20 discussions in advance. I continue take part in discussions, it is fun 🖐
3. 🐣 Tweet it
And share it in DM to people u know.
So this is smth I did not do for previous launch 🚀 and I feel this really made a difference.
I learned about it 1 day before the launch.
My tweet:
4. 🤡 Brand it
Launch branding 🚀
We prepared assets in advance and brand our accounts in all social media: Product Hunt, Twitter and Linkedin.
🖤 avatars
🖤 covers
5. 🔗 Test Message
Prepare messages in advance and test them.
We use Reddit to test it. We also did it in advance.
Also during launch, we shared the best working on Reddit
6. 🙋♀️ Personalise it
I don’t know if it really worked and helped or not.
But I added personal video welcome for the launch.
To create a personal connection.
7. 💭 Show value
Showcase and provide value.
I reached to 20 people and generated forms for their own business. The idea was
✔️to learn more
✔️provide value
✔️ get feedback
🙅♀️🛑 not to ask for support on the launch
8. 🤖 Bot it
or find a partner
On the day of the launch, our team felt a bit like bots
3 of us could respond to the same post and engage WITH EACH OTHER POST.
This gave an initial boost.
So as a team I suggest thinking on it or find a partner.
9. ⛷ Be quick
in the first 3 hours
I love a good sleep 😴 so it is always hard to be super active in the morning.
And I slow down a bit on the first launch. So here we tried to act very fast first 3 hours
To just get all posts out there.
10. 🪄 Magic it
Add some magic to the product.
Everyone loves cool stuff to play and try, especially the PH community. So to the launch, we prepared a super interactive landing
Everyone loved to click and generate forms via it 🖤