Debitize lets you use any existing credit card like a debit card. Earn rewards and build credit without debt, interest, or late fees. It's the best of both worlds. Upgrade to Credit Optimizer and we'll automatically keep your credit utilization low to help boost your credit score even more.
This allows you to have a "no thinking" (aka Plug & Play) solution to your credit cards. I love it. I've used them in previous betas and it's only gotten better!
Pros:Plug & Play, Reliable, Credit Card Points, and the list goes on...
Cons:If you use Android you're limited
I won't say I'm bad with managing my money, but this app allows me to set it and forget it when it comes to using and paying off my credit cards. In the past I would have gone to each credit card's website or app to make a payment once a week or so. This way my balance never got too high and I didn't accidentally spend the money from my checking account.
Pros:I enjoy being able to earn rewards on my cards with those transactions covered by transferring money out of my checking account
Cons:A few of my retail store issued cards weren't covered
simplifies making sure you don't overspend. massively can positively affect your credit score.
Pros:simple to use
Cons:some times some issues with cap one
I like that you can put your credit card payments on autopilot
Cons:Banks are slow
Love Debitize!!!
Pros:Reliable, Easy to Setup, Rewards
Cons:Can't Think of Any
Pros:Takes away the stress of paying your bill on time. Improves credit utilization !
Cons:No Android app yet...
Debitize has been an awesome product to increase my credit score while solving the problem of having to remember to pay my credit cards.
Pros:No more paying interest
Cons:Slow banks
I’ve been using Debitize for 2 years and it’s increased my credit score and given me peace of mind about using credit cards.
Pros:Extremely user-friendly, life-hack
Need to add functionality that lets users add their creditors.
Pros:was really excited about the idea of an app that would help me maximize my rewards cards without racking up debt
Cons:My main rewards card isn’t available in the app!
Was a paid member, but i only continue subscriptions when there is active development and value adds.
Pros:No active development
Cons:no android app
Haven't found the lack of android app a problem, website works great.
Pros:Pays the bill reliably, Rack up CC points
I basically use my debit card to withdraw cash or deposit checks, nothing else. After having a fraudulent charge on my debit card awhile back (and hundreds of dollars on hold for several days), I started using credit cards for most transactions. Debitize makes the payments i used to have to make frequently. Helps me keep the points I'm earning, too.
Pros:Automatic, no need for attention/input
Cons:None experienced so far