Lucy - the first free AI phone agent - To kill voicemail forever.
Ditch voicemail and switch to Lucy, free for personal and business use. Lucy texts callers with a booking link, website, or email info, and sends instant call summaries to you. Say goodbye to outdated voicemail. Connect to your mobile phone in 2 minutes.
ChatGPT powered voice AI assistant, Alex - Answer business FAQs over the phone 24/7
Next-gen voice AI for business FAQ handling by Curious Thing AI, powered by ChatGPT. Alex, AI assistant answers frequently asked questions over the phone 24/7.
Free up your human resource, reduce costs and improve CX. Get up and running in less than 24 hours.
Voice AI Assistant for SMBs, Lucy - Answer every call, capture leads and book appointments
Every call is potential revenue. Yet, 6 out of 10 calls made to businesses go unanswered. Lucy, the enterprise-grade voice AI assistant for SMBs answers every call, gathers customer details and books appointments on the spot.
Curious Thing Voice AI - Next-gen conversational voice AI for customer engagement
Our multilingual voice AI assistants have successfully automated millions of inbound and outbound phone conversations for SMBs and enterprises across a wide range of industries including financial services, healthcare, insurance, eCommerce and more.