Anum Hussain

Below the Fold - News you aren’t hearing anywhere else

There's an abundance of sources available for hearing the trending, breaking news updates. We keep you informed on the stories that don't make it to the front page, for free.

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Anum Hussain
Hey Hunters (especially the news-loving ones!), Anum here, co-founder of Below the Fold. As a former journalist, marketer, and above all, reader, I was tired of reading the same three headlines every week. I *knew* there was more happening in the world, but algorithms are tuned to keep us trapped in endless feeds of what's most clickable. Besides, how many more sources do we need for repeating the same 10 trending stories of the day? So we made it our mission to send you stories you’re not hearing anywhere else. Reading our newsletter is like opening up a physical paper to page two: important information, just hidden behind the front page. We launched in December 2019, and have evolved quite a bit over the past year, learning directly from our readers as we go. We just RE-launched with all new branding, and thought there was no better way to celebrate than with the community here. So if anything, help me geek out over our new look after weeks in Figma :) Thanks for your time, and feel free to drop any comments or questions below! I’ll be here chatting all day. Anum
Julien Ergan
Really like the idea and motivation! With all the unwanted marketing emails I receive (which I assume is the case for most of us), I am using less and less my mailbox and I am avoiding subscribing to new newsletters as much as possible. Are you planning to share your content via different channel(s) (website, app, Tweets, etc.)? All the best!
Anum Hussain
@julien_ergan Thanks Julien! Def hear you on all the marketing emails. Right now we're focused on the email channel, but will be archiving past editions to the website, and sharing stories as we can to Twitter (@belowfoldnews) and Instagram (@belowthefoldnews). We're a two-person operation at the moment, but as we grow, hopefully our channel options do as well.
My day is ruined without BTF. 10/10 would recommend.
Anum Hussain
@masterworksio Thank you! So excited to share more about Masterworks, too!
Thomas Dale
Really appreciate what Anum and Below The Fold are doing. After watching the Social Dilemma on Netflix, I've realized that we need a new way to receive news from reputable sources, without bias, and broad context. Thanks for all that you do! Also, congrats on the rebrand!
Anum Hussain
@thomasdale Thanks so much Thomas! You've been so patient and helpful along the way.
Max Prilutskiy
Nice idea! 💯
Anum Hussain
@prilutskiy Thanks so much Max! Hope you enjoy the newsletter :)
Stefanie Grieser
Subscribbbbed ✅ Love the new brand! Feel like the new name really made things click for me!
Anum Hussain
@smgrieser Love to hear it! Thank you for your continued support.
Nivi Achanta
BTF is a fantastic newsletter & I love getting it in my inbox! Congrats on the launch & can't wait to see where this goes
Anum Hussain
@niviachanta Thank you so much! We loved partnering with Soapbox in 2020 <3
Jason Pittam
This is so meta right now, @anum_hussain . I'm a friend of zqasim (we go way back, your husband knows me too) and I saw your new branding on his IG story, then I see BTF here, visit the homepage and see one of my favorite countries in the world mentioned on the app mockup. Great job (yes, I subscribed!)
Anum Hussain
@mikaelpittam Wow! So meta :) I love it. Thanks for subscribing.
Melissa Obleada
Love the new look, and excited to continue reading Below the Fold every morning.
Anum Hussain
@melissaobleada Thanks so much Melissa! For the support and for being a subscriber.
Grant Deken
Congrats on the launch and rebrand. Enjoying the emails!
Anum Hussain
@grdeken New site wouldn't be possible without Unstack :) Thanks Grant!
Jake Schonberger
Woo!! BTF is incredible with a really powerful & important mission. Well done with the redesign. Excited to keep working together!
Anum Hussain
@jake_schonberger1 Thanks so much Jake! Your support and help has been huge.
Kat Lin
This is incredible and super cool!
Anum Hussain
@kationanion Thanks so much Kat! Hope you enjoy the newsletter :)
Devin Walsh
Such a necessary product!!!! Great idea. Can't wait to check out the redesign.
Anum Hussain
@devinawalsh Thank you so much! Hope you enjoy the newsletter.
Mark Carrigan
A+ Work
Robin Green
John Devine
Very Good!
Amanda Buzhala