The one-stop-shop for developers looking for remote jobs. Arc aggregates the world's remote opportunities and generates a list of best-fit jobs for you. Get support & level up your career by joining Arc's remote developer community.
Hi Product Hunt,
At Arc, we believe that everyone deserves an extraordinary career no matter where they live, and that remote work is the key to unlocking this future. But it's still way too difficult to find remote jobs and create a genuine remote career.
So today, we're launching Arc 2.0. With Arc, we're building the online home of great developers who work remotely.
How does Arc 2.0 work?
Efficient remote job search + Remote dev career community = Arc 2.0
Arc aggregates job openings at 13,000+ companies hiring remotely worldwide. Our algorithm recommends your best-fit jobs, saving you time, effort, and browser tabs. This is open for all developers to use for free.
If you complete Arc's account verification process, we can present you directly to partners hiring from our network of great developers.
We're also launching the new Arc Community. Whether you're seeking remote work or wanting to meet other experienced remote devs, use this forum to share tips and experiences.
To celebrate this launch, we're also doing a $2000 remote work gear wishlist giveaway — check out the details and join in the celebration here: 🎉
We'd love to hear any feedback or comments from the PH community. Thanks for checking out Arc 2.0!
Congratulation for your launch, little question how do you protect us again a bad hire?
How do you test the skills of those devs?
Do you help in case of conflicts or poor job ?
@oli76376962 They always respond but for the most part, they are not very helpful. The developer onboarding takes many hours from what I heard (I got onboard from code mentor, the parent company), some end up with 20-30 hour unpaid projects. If the client doesn't pay or it's a poor match they will push you off the platform and tell you you're the only one responsible for a client not paying. If you threaten with collections agencies they pay.
Gigster is a way better platform, but almost any other. Arc had a super low amount of on-platform jobs and this is probably the reason they fill it up with all the random company remote job postings they crawl. It feels less empty this way but they aren't responsible for any of the interview process. It's like looking at and applying from there or any other job board
Edit: see my more detailed answer below
@oli76376962 Thanks for your questions! If you’re an employer looking to hire remote developers, you can learn more about Arc’s verification process here:
For contract hires, in the rare event of a dispute, our conflict resolution team will communicate with both sides to reach a resolution. We’d occasionally need to make the hard decision to remove community members with multiple incidents from the platform.
@oli76376962@christine_orchard Unfortunately your conflict resolution team takes 2.5 years to resolve conflicts so that's why I said it's not much help. In the end they did resolve, I can't argue with that!
I'm a software consultant working full-time remotely since 2005 and I wish Arc existed back then.
I've been on Arc platform for over 3 years now, and the quality of jobs available is remarkable. I remember seeing a project posted by... Los Angeles Dodgers, who at the time were looking for help building their internal big data / analytics team. Personally, I completed several projects to date, and I keep seeing more and more interesting work and clients coming in. It is true that Arc takes a commission, however unlike some of the competitors, they don't try to match cheap developers with rich clients. Instead, they try to assess the true value of the software as seen by the client, and despite the markup, are still able to provide projects with a 3-digit hourly rate. They can afford it, because a lot of clients come to Arc directly and they trust the brand and the quality of the developers available.
If you become an Arc vetted developer, it changes the whole client interview dynamic. Instead of being 1 of 20 candidates (aka commodity), you get shortlisted (2-3 candidates are recommended) , and you can tell from the very first interview that the client absolutely trusts your expertise. It makes everything much more streamlined and removes a lot of friction. It helps to build great long term relationships too.
I'm very excited to see Arc 2.0 being open to the world, along with the Arc Community platform. Remote developers did not have a real community before - until now!
There are a number of reasons why I wouldn't recommend Arc after freelancing on their platform for 4 years (not recently, so some of these issues might be fixed but some are systematic):
The developer onboarding takes many hours from what I heard (I got onboard from code mentor, the parent company), some end up with 20-30 hour unpaid projects.
If the client doesn't pay or it's a poor match they will push you off the platform and tell you you're the only one responsible for a client not paying. If you threaten with collections agencies they pay.
Arc had a super low amount of on-platform jobs and this is probably the reason they fill it up with all the random company remote job postings they crawl. It feels less empty this way but they aren't responsible for any of the interview process. It's like looking at and applying from there or any other job board
About me: Before leaving the platform for good, I successfully completed a project for their biggest reference to date, Spotify. I was responsible for handling the client from the first dev touch-base through project completion and support.
I had three unsuccessful projects (very small ones, next to many big ones - one of the three the client didn't pay my hours, with one the client ran out of funding before I could finish the project, and with one I completed a part of the app with documentation & handover done and left as I had something to deal with) -- these all should be normal with freelancers especially that they were spread across 2 years but without any communication or warning my gig applications started not going anywhere and after messaging a bunch of people for months they told me I'm off the platform.
You should also know that most projects have a very low hourly rate, and Arc will take a 25-30% cut from the money you make on the platform for not guaranteeing anything other than connecting you with the client. For the most part, you're on your own once you got introduced to the client.
I don't have an ongoing issue with them, they paid everything out to me at last but if you work with them you should count with the fact that if something goes wrong they won't be there to hold your hand and for the most part they'll blame you for it (even if you have a proven track record in the industry, my company delivered 40+ projects in the past and I was leading between 10 and 100 devs for a few years now as well as building multiple companies)
Hi Laszlo,
We appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts here as a former user on our platform. We do try our best to ensure a positive experience for both clients and developers, and our support team has been working hard to help resolve this.
We wish you the best of luck on your current and future projects!
I'm really looking forward to seeing the impact of Arc and the growth of remote work. Unequal access to economic opportunities is one of our world's biggest challenges.
Even though the acceleration toward remote work came from a dark time in 2020, I'm excited to see a brighter future ahead!
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