Avatars - A Figma Plugin A list of free and fun avatars for your projects
Gabe Perez
Okay @alohe how did you make a GitHub page look & feel so gooood. I love the icon selector and animation!
noplace Find your community
Gabe Perez
This app gives me early-day internet x Gen-Z vibes...and I'm here for it. I'm kind of addicted to holding down the comments for a Emoji Streak. Dope to see a new social platform not all about pics hit #1 on the App Store. Congrats on the launch @tzhongg!
B2B SaaS Valuation Calculator
Oasis of Ideas
Auth0 by Okta
Auth0 by Okta
Make login our problem. Not yours. Get started today.
SPF Record Checker
SnippetEase Embeddable code snippet generator
Gabe Perez
I would have no idea how to get the same result without taking a screenshot. This is really cool for dev updates, bloggers, and documentation.
Snowflake Startup Challenge
Snowflake Startup Challenge
Win investment & global exposure with Snowflake and NYSE
The Pattern 5.0
Notion for Startups
Notion for Startups
Are you a founder? Get over $6K of Notion free w/ unlimited AI
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