Workplace rivalry! Destructive or beneficial?

Salar Davari
38 replies
Should we seek ways to eliminate workplace competition among employees or should we look upon it as a blessing in disguise?


Jeremiah Poisson
I think it really depends on the team. I've been on teams where it has been highly productive, but on the flip side some of the teams I've been on it would be a disaster. Not everyone thrives with competition as it can put a lot of unnecessary stress on the wrong personality type.
Kate Chasten
I believe it's destructive and you should prevent it at any cost.
Frank Sondors
Typically it's highly beneficial
Olena Bomko
As a game - yes :) Any other form - no.
Prem Saini
Both. Destructive as it causes a more toxic and hostile work environment Beneficial as you encourage employees to step outside of their comfort zones and take on new challenges
Salar Davari
@prem_saini1 So, Which one do you think outweighs the other one?
sumit sharma
Destructive! any sort of rivalry is destructive unless its in sports which is awesome. There are many other ways to keep you motivated (rewards specially)
Shushant Lakhyani
I think it is always destructive and one must focus more on collaboration in the workplace
Vivienne Stricklands
Whether workplace rivalry is destructive or beneficial depends on a number of factors, including the culture of the organization, the personalities of the employees involved, and the way the rivalry is managed.
Neha Banta
Workplace rivalry can be beneficial when it promotes healthy competition and innovation, but it can be bad when it causes problems like fighting and not working together. It's important to make sure competition at work is healthy and not harmful.
Tegan Bradleys
It can be beneficial if it motivates employees to work harder, be more creative, and produce better results.
Judith Amarachi 💙
Competition is not entirely wrong. What you should find out is if it is a healthy one or a type of competition that will create unnecessary envy and jealousy among team members. In all, balance is important.
Stephen Maden
In a healthy workplace, rivalry can be a positive force that drives innovation and productivity. However, in a toxic workplace, rivalry can lead to destructive behaviors that can damage morale and sabotage success.
Salar Davari
@stephen_maden You mean employees' personality type has no effect here?
Shokat Ali
Whether workplace rivalry is destructive or beneficial depends on a number of factors, including the culture of the organization, the personalities of the employees involved, and the way the rivalry is managed.
Arya RG
I think workplace rivalry can have both positive and negative effects. On one hand, healthy competition can drive individuals to push their limits and achieve more. On the other, if rivalry becomes toxic, it can create a hostile work environment and hinder collaboration.
Dzmitry Tsemirau
It seems to me that such rivalry is simply inherent in human nature and it is useless to fight it.
Haris Morgan
It depends upon the situation and nature of the people.
Relja Denic
it can be beneficial, but have to watch out on how much are you promoting it.
Jeff Dwoskin
It can be very destructive. Companies always talk about how they are 'family' and no one wants to wake up every day and go to war with co-workers with self-esteem issues that if they get the ear of the wrong person can impact your career. It would be up to leadership to ensure rivalry/competition at work is healthy.
Masim beast
It can lead to both consequences.