Which Chrome Extensions can you not live without?

Namrata Dutta
259 replies
I love chrome extensions! They make some of my tasks super easy. I add/remove extensions regularly, but these are some of them which I can't remove for sure. - Grammarly: Extraordinary help while writing anything from emails to blogs. - Dashlane: Can never remember my passwords. - Pocket: Best way to not lose the articles I want to read later. - Loom: Video version of "This meeting could've been an email". I love to quickly record screens and send it to my teammates. - Wappalyzer: When I want to know the tech stack on which a website is built on. - Honey: Of course! Which girl doesn't like good shopping deals. 😊 And while you’re here, Check out our product Supademo. A simple Chrome Extension helps you create interactive product demos in minutes. We have launched on Product hunt!! πŸš€ We would love to see your love and support.πŸ’œ https://www.producthunt.com/post... Edit - Adding the most suggested extensions received in the comments. 1. Bitwarden - https://bitwarden.com/ 2. Dark reader - https://darkreader.org/ 3. Scribe - https://scribehow.com/ 4. Hubspot - https://app.hubspot.com/ 5. Similarweb - https://www.similarweb.com/ 6. Data Scraper - https://dataminer.io/ 7. Bubbles - https://www.usebubbles.com/ 8. Lighthouse - https://developers.google.com/web 9. Adblocker - https://getadblock.com/en/ 10. Raindrop - https://raindrop.io/ 11. Bulk URL opener - https://bulkurlopener.com/ 12. Colorzilla - https://www.colorzilla.com/ 13. Toby - https://www.gettoby.com/ 14. Great Suspender 15. 1Password- https://1password.com/


Dylan Simpson
Great list, I use this one since I'm a product designer and love to capture the entire page. GoFullPage - Full Page Screen Capture Grammarly <β€” A MUST
Namrata Dutta
@dylan_simpson_ux Thanks for sharing! Try Supademo and you don't have to take manual screenshots anymore.😊
Agreed for Dashlane, definitely a good one.
Ionel Vladeanu
Adblock Plus and Video download helper. The first is obvious, the second helps with downloading media from sites. It helps with storing media for later viewing.
Namrata Dutta
@ionelvlad I used to be a fan of Adblock Plus a long time ago, but now started supporting adsπŸ˜‰
Joan Mateo Duarte πŸš€
The ones I use the most are Grammarly for spelling, Bitwarden for passwords, and Metamask for cryptocurrencies.
Namrata Dutta
@joanduarte I just checked Bitwarden. It looks interesting, I pay almost 5x the price for Dashlane. Might move after my subscription ends. Thanks for sharing. 😊
Alex Lizogub
@joanduarte @namrata_dutta Why would you guys need to trust one more company with your passwords if that's already a part of basic functionality for both Chrome and Safari?
Nitin Joshi
@joanduarte is bitwarden trusted password manager? currently I save my password on google?
Nitin Joshi
@shree_e I thought Dark theme is the feature of browser. Never thought there would be a extension for it. This is really amazing. Now installed it.
Grammarly is definitely a must.
Hina Ashfaq
For me its Grammarly.
As a creator, I find Loom and Scribe pretty helpful!
Namrata Dutta
@heyeaslo Instead of creating long vertical docs with Scribe, you can make awesome interactive guides with Supademo. Do check it out 😊
Vijay Singh Khatri
Being a marketing expert, I would say GSC, GA, Hubspot and Similarweb are the best tools for me. I can’t live without them.
Vijay Singh Khatri
@namrata_dutta Always, there are tone of chrome extensions that I am using on a day-to-day basis but these are the ones that I can’t leave.
Jacopo Lai
For me Grammarly Google Calendar Loom
Adithyan Selvaraj
Data Scraper - To scrape large data Blackbox - Copy text in images and videos Grammarly - Awesome for Spelling check Awesome Screenshot - To take screenshots Scribe how - To create SOP's
Rich Watson
dark reader darkpdf hide.me proxy
Grammarly, for sure
Nandini Sundaram
Well... It's hard to pick one. I have been using Dashlane, Session manager, Chrome Capture, Grammarly, Bubbles, Arcade and Appcues. They all increase my productivity.
Namrata Dutta
@nandini_sundaram I have heard all good things about Bubbles. I am gonna try it instead of Loom. Thanks for sharing your list. 😊
Sia Marinich
Vimbox, Grammarly, and Adblocker save me time.
Puneet Kohli
All the extensions you mentioned are spot on! Apart from your list I use Reader Mode (I'm surprised no one mentioned that!) which lets you read articles distraction and DRM free. I also want to (shamelessly) plug one that I've worked on, only because I believe we should not live without it in 2022, especially if we're professionals. Careerflow's LinkedIn Optimization extension: https://careerflow.ai/download Provides you a LinkedIn Profile score, best practices for each and every section, including a personalized checklists of things to improve. On average, 2.5X increase in search appearances after optimization. No brainer.
Reshma S
For me, Grammarly Hubspot GA
Rebecca Tany
Agreed, I also use MozBar, Ubersuggest for SEO work
Johnathan Kimbrough
The person I am working with is a genius. he build his own extension to create Lead Gen Videos. So I can't live without that extension its my source of earning money.
Namrata Dutta
@johnathan_kimbrough Great! Good luck. Do you want to share the name of the extension here?
Jim Morrison
Great list. I’ll check out those I’m not familiar with. For me… πŸ’› OneSub β€” It’s the only bit of the OneSub family I’ve never posted on Product Hunt but I love it and use it, almost without realising, every day. Needs a bit of TLC and a brush up so if anyone has any ideas or feedback I’m all ears!