When are you the most productive?

Gizem Nur Keskin
108 replies
Are you an early bird, or a night owl? I am personally a morning person. I'd like to get stuff done in the mornings.


Both! But the night owl timing is more specific. Should be around 2-4 AM.
At night. It's just too quiet and peaceful. And surprisingly I'm the most active at night
Anastasiia K
@divya14 oh hello, night owl! I can definitely relate to this - at night it's somehow easier to focus and concentrate, probably it's calmer and more peaceful. In the long run, that's not unfortunately a winner strategy when doing business (from my experience), as of course most people prefer working during the light day :D
Satish Kumar Veluri
Mornings are the most productive for me as I'm a morning person too. After a good 6 hours sleep, our body and mind both are well recharged. Day sleeping doesn't count for me as resting, instead I get sleep hangovers :-) so being a night owl doesn't work for me.
Samantha Harris
Late night works well for me. No distractions, no one chasing you, just an opportunity to get things done.
Gizem Nur Keskin
@samantha_harris_ I think the same about working in the mornings. When everyone is still asleep, I am more focused. Especially recharging after a good night sleep.
Sven Radavics
First thing in the morning from 6:30am through to lunch.
Mutlu Sakar
Afternoon, around 3 pm.
Gizem Nur Keskin
@mutlusakar 3 pm maybe the first time I’ve heard someone is productive. You are definitely a unique person!
Abid Unnisa
I am an early bird. Working out in the early morning and getting to work next is a daily routine now.
Ezgi Aydın
I'm definitely a night owl. I like the quiet, it helps me focus
Anoir Houmou
Mornings are the best for me, I enjoy my morning routine and the productivity that goes with it
Indu Thangamuthu
Night to early morning. My brain just doesn't shut up
Anastasiia K
@indu_thangamuthu give your brain some chamomile tea, can work at times :) But definitely, nights are lovely to work during.
Olga Maslo
After a big mug of coffe)) Mornings are the most productive for me as I'm a early bird.
Daniel Engels
mid-week, in the evenings
Selin Anil
Anytime except from 2pm-5pm. Completely indepently of meals btw. So I just accordingly organize my planning: either I put my meetings in there, because I don't need personal focus to be productive in meetings, or I take my time off there to do some sports, take a break, cook, clean the house...! I'ts all about knowing yourself for optimization!
Gizem Nur Keskin
@selin_anil you’ve just switched on some lights for me! I will be using that tip to get the most of my days!
Nicole Chaplin
In the morning. Its most quiet
Mary Clare O'Donnell
Oddly both. I'm split between being a morning person and a night owl, just afternoons are not as great for me with creative work. For me it's either 9-12 in the morning or from 6-11pm.
Daniyar Yeskaliyev
I'm a night owl. I used the day time to live my best life - eating, doing sports, enjoying the outdoors and watching / reading what I want. Of course with the priority to the urgent / important work tasks during the weekdays. But personally I'm the most productive during the night time for brain-heavy activities :D The source of my night energy is my natural anxiety that kicks in a few hours before going to sleep. I feel like I'm not good enough and need to improve my life, so I sit there and do the important intellectual stuff for self-development: reading, learning, building / coding, writing. Then I can sleep peacefully)) I've actually made most of the progress in my life thanks to the sleepless nights of inspired work like I've described above.
Samuel Lake
Doing a bunch of small tasks I'm more productive in the morning. But when tackling big coding problems better at night.
Ripon esh Chowdhury
I thinking to give me lucky chance.