What’s the most useful mobile app you have on your device, and why?

Umar Saleem
35 replies


Pancras Lu
maybe tiktok 😭
Lucas Bransbury
Notion, it basically has my whole life on there.
Lucas Bransbury
@flynn_bannan Personal life: planning days, goals, habit tracker, daily reminders and basically staying organized Health: Water tracker, Workout planning Professional: Project management, and content planning Quite a learning curve, but when you understand the concept and that everything are made up of blocks, the possibilities are endless. I use both the PC and Mobile app
Marvin Mändle
probably WhatsApp, because I can stay in touch with family, friends and colleagues...
David Laubner
Google Maps - phone book, directions, reviews. I use it every day.
Mayank K Sahu
Whats App! And Product Hunt App to maintain daily streak 😎
Leo Paz
Launching soon!
Clock app for setting timers for the gym ...and cold showers lol
Anton Nagaroor🇨🇭
Comtrax (Web APP) - I've been using it for over a year and a half now, and it's been a game-changer for my crypto investing. Stay diversified on asset and exchange level. Here's why I love it (Bias ! Since I am the Founder): - Automated DCA: I can set up DCA (Dollar-Cost Averaging) on different exchanges (ByBit, Kucoin, CryptoCom, Kraken, Huobi, Lykke, Bitstamp), all in one place. This makes it super easy to consistently build my portfolio over time. -Asset protection: Assets are kept safe in the exchange account of my choice. I retain full ownership of your assets, and Comtrax doesn’t have any significant control over them. - Performance Tracking: It gives me a clear view of how my crypto holdings are performing across different exchanges. We are now on ProductHunt to get your feedback before we launch our Mobile Apps on iOS and Android. Check out our Webapp demo. LandingPage: www.comtrax.ch Demo:http://app.comtrax.ch/demo
I would say: 1. Gmail - gotta check emails 2. FindMy - Find My Children app :) 3. X - news, conspiracies, and Elon bombs 4. Product Hunt - growing into this! 5. Spotify - when driving, walking 6. Audible - when switching out Spotify 7. Alexa - lists for various stores (Costco) 8. CoinGecko - it is the season :) 9. Videoleap - short videos 10. Filmic Pro is my favorite cam app, and I always forget to use it!
I feel like ChatGPT is my most useful app by far. Being able to rough draft any text is a game changer.
Cathy Yee
Notes, by far. It's like my pensieve (harry potter)
Nadia Zueva
Launching soon!
Maps, Banking, Mail, Browser. That's essential apps for me, while I can go without the rest for a while
Himakar Reddy 🇮🇳🇨🇦
Calendar, PhonePe, ChatGPT and X
Viola Schoell
Google maps and WhatsApp. What is with you?
Prem Saini
Apple notes always just writing :)
Anjali N
Notes notes! I always write down everything
Ashley from Shadow
GOOGLE MAPS!!! I can’t live without it. And whatever the equivalent of that is in each country
Joep van den Bogaert
My marketing manager said I had plug voam here, sorry.. https://producthunt.com/products... Lets you finish admin tasks by voice, ideal for finishing meeting notes on the go.
Verlie Grover
For me, it's Chrome.