What do you think about AI-based tools for children to do their homework/assignments?

Mayank K Sahu
2 replies
When it comes to using AI tools for kids' homework, people have different thoughts. Some say they're cool and make learning easier. Others aren't so sure, thinking they might make kids lazy. Then there are those who say it depends on how they're used, which makes sense, doesn't it? And keeping an eye on things as a parent seems like a good idea too! But there's always room for more ideas. What do you think? Any other thoughts to add?


Gurkaran Singh
Hey there, as someone who's knee-deep in the tech world, I can't help but find AI-based tools for children's homework fascinating. I believe they can be a great resource to assist and enhance learning experiences. However, like with any tool, the key lies in how it's utilized. As with all things in life, moderation and supervision are key, especially when it comes to kids using technology. After all, we want to nurture young minds, not just solve their homework for them! So, let's embrace the AI wave but with a mindful approach. What are your thoughts on this? Let's keep the conversation going!
Mayank K Sahu
@thestarkster Totally fascinating! AI tools for kids' homework could be a game-changer. But yeah, gotta use 'em wisely. We want to help, not do everything for them, right? Keeping an eye on tech time for the kiddos is key. Let's dive into the AI world but stay mindful.