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  • What are your best productivity tips?

    Cem Özçelik
    98 replies


    Tyler Loyd
    Define specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals.
    Oleksandr Buratynskyi
    Calendar driven life 🤣
    André J
    @sasha_buratynskyi Without checking out your profile. I assume you're a manager type then 😅 as a maker, I never had a calendar. 😂
    Rihab Zaidi
    @sasha_buratynskyi Yess, put everything on the calender, book slots for everything, share with your team and focus on your work! That's my motto
    Marvin Mändle
    Have a timer on my table. 90 minutes deep work followed by a 15 minutes break. Only use the smartphone in the breaks. Usually I get a cup of coffee and go out of my terrace.
    Marvin Mändle
    @oleg_shumar how long are you working/sleeping? Sounds like a next level productivity boost, because the brain calms totally down in this short period of sleeping.
    Oleg Shumar
    @marvin_maendle I work since 9am till 1pm and then sleep 1 or 2 hours. when I feel I'm not productive anymore - no sense to push, just go and sleep. After wakeup - like a brand-new. Being a youngster in the office - I got to my car and sleep on a backseat.))
    Berkay Yavuz
    A notebook and a pencil :)
    Cemali Gencer
    a Notion account :)
    @genxer hard to understand at the beginning I still need to train ahaha
    Use tools like task managers, calendar apps, and project management software to streamline workflows and stay organized.
    Immersive Translate Bilingual Video
    Cem, I've found that prioritizing tasks with the Eisenhower Matrix and limiting work on each to focused 25-minute Pomodoro sessions can significantly boost productivity. Also, never underestimate the power of a well-organized workspace and a clear mind—declutter both regularly!
    Cara (Borenstein) Marin
    @xyz_333 love your point about prioritization. A shorter list is a list you can do! What's your process for prioritizing? Do you follow a regular cadence (e.g. weekly review) or more ad-hoc / as-needed?
    Ivan Vorobyev
    Try to foster social ties of interest. Creating and maintaining meaningful connections is important to take advantage of social support. One effective way to do this is to make friends who share similar interests. Doing what you love not only brings you joy, but also gives you the opportunity to connect with like-minded people. I recently read on a blog https://www.heyday.net/blog/how-does-social-support-reduce-stress-importance-of-communities-by-interests about several effective tips on how to make good and effective connections, but the one I liked the most was on how to utilize online platforms that are tailored to specific interests. Social media groups, forums, and community apps like Heyday are great resources for connecting with people who share your hobbies or pursuits.
    Huudle AI Project Assistant
    Effective meetings, great task and project management
    Leonard Knauß
    Silence! A notebook, a pencil, and no distractions until the set task is done. It's also important to split tasks into small subtasks and split them again as much as possible.
    André J
    @pixeleonard Mhm. Silence is harder to come by these days 😅 I wish someone made a co work that was all silent. The silent office. That would be so productive!
    Ankur Sharma
    Launching soon!
    I create a task list every morning. That's it.
    Jamie L
    AI Desk by Collov AI
    AI Desk by Collov AI
    One of my top productivity tips is to prioritize tasks using the Eisenhower Matrix—it helps distinguish between what's urgent and important. Additionally, I find that setting specific time blocks for deep work with no distractions can significantly boost daily productivity.
    André J
    @jamin_nanthan ELI5 Eisenhower Matrix?
    Lisa Steingold
    1. Start your day right - exercise and coffee for me ☕ 2. Do the most important task first in the day (Don't start with email!) 3. Work on tasks that align with rocks and OKRs 4. And obviously only work on 1 task at a time - context switching hurts
    Marc Andre
    Founder Reports
    Maximize the effectiveness of your most productive times of the day. Know when you're able to focus and use those time windows for your most important work.
    Dhirendra Singh
    Prioritize your tasks, minimize distractions, and take regular breaks to stay productive and focused.
    Alvaro Villalba Perez
    Do 15-min tasks early in the morning to have a sense of achievement during the day
    andi wir
    Take proper sleep.
    Joël Wurtz
    Get a success partner / accountability partner! Best decision I ever made :D You'll definitely be more productive once you have some eyes looking at you!
    Launching soon!
    Use most top AI tools to maximize productivity! 😅
    Vincent Xu
    AI Researcher
    AI Researcher
    My top productivity tip is to prioritize tasks using the Eisenhower Matrix, which helps distinguish between what's urgent and important, ensuring you focus on high-impact activities. Additionally, I recommend implementing the Pomodoro Technique to maintain high levels of concentration by breaking work into short, timed intervals followed by brief breaks.