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  • Video Marketing in 2024: Short-Form Domination or Diverse Approaches?

    Mayuri Maokar
    1 reply
    Hey Product Hunt community! πŸ‘‹ As a digital marketer, I've been fascinated by the explosion of short-form video content. TikTok, Instagram Reels, YouTube Shorts – they're everywhere! But I'm wondering: is this the future for all brands, or are we overlooking the power of longer formats? I'd love to hear your thoughts πŸ˜€


    Vrinda Tekchandani
    I think short-form video content is here to stay & so is long-form video content- as marketers we should we should be concerned about authenticity & be ready with tools that could help us break our long-form content into short videos to be able to do a lot of AB testing more efficiently. Gen Z & upcoming generations are all about authentic content & be it short or long form- AUTHENTICITY would matter the most, however, I recommend you check out our newest video marketing tool called "Videofusion" to create ads out of existing UGC at scale- Why UGC? because we strongly vouch for authenticity.