How many years did you spend working before you decided to start your own business?

Samar Ali
36 replies


Neel Patel
Been a decade for me. I did try earlier. Looking back, I wish I tried more attempts. @samalyx
Salar Davari
I worked for around 7 years. And I learned many thigs that are now helping me with my business.
Ken Ito 🍄
I worked for 12 years. Covid was what made me rethink and decided to change and become more serious with my existing online businesses.
Prem Saini
Worked for 5-6 years, been a decade since I started my own startup!
Judith Amarachi 💙
4 years. I started before working, stopped halfway and decided to pick it up again with the experiences I've gotten from work.
Abdul Hadi
I spend three years but when i start my own bussiness i get lost in it. I am live in Australia afetr getting lose i am not disappear then i get the fund from NDIS and i think that i should be need plan managers that helps me to start my own bussiness by using a plan management and some rules. Then i visit here that helps me and now i am the best bussiness man i my city you can also visit it by click here https://iconiccareplanmanagers.c...
Salim Lunat
Launching soon!
I worked for about 6-7 years. Then, in 2019, I had surgery on my spine. This made me stop working at my previous job. After I got better, I started my own digital agency. Now, I have a great team of 10+ people that I'm working with. Things are going well, and I'm having a great time in my daily life.
Markus Jenul
7 solid years and started it as a side hustle
Marceric a
I never really had a job. I have been independent since I was 18. I did a few odd jobs but nothing very relevant.
Mansi Trivedi
I'm still working, completing my grad school , prepping for my masters but I've high-key decided to do my own thing already! So let's see how long it takes me to put it all in place 😅😇
Elena Tsemirava
About 15 years. However, the first attempts completely failed, as there was not enough experience and knowledge.
Niko Germish
I spent 12 years as an employee, but every few years, I tried to launch something, and eventually, some of those attempts led to a sustainable income.
Anton Gera
9 unhappy years. Once I launched my first startup, first time I felt happy on Sunday haha :)
Karthik MS
I literally started my own business right after college at the age of 22, and it was successful for 5 years. So a major learning experience when you're young and yes, it is possible.
Idris Alagbe
Would not mind if I get hired for a remote position here. I am specialist in Administrative Management, Business, Security, Service Support Supervision, Cluster Management and Real Estate Management.
Guillermo Alvarez
Worked for 20 years before starting my own business.
Artyom Ananov | Smart Solutions AI
I've left the university because there was a lack of practical knowledge. Founded a marketing agency next year