How many hours do you work per day?

Artem Luko
72 replies


Karen White
10 hours per day for me.
Kartike Bansal
Lost track since I started working on Hansei ;) We're live currently. Love to have your thoughts (
Rohit Joshi
More than 12 hours
@rohitjoshi what do you do exactly Rohit ?
Rohit Joshi
@therahulv So many things to do bro, completely occupied, As a CEO of a company have a wide range of responsibilities, including client handling, product development management, meetings, and more and more.
Adan Della-Vecchia
Between 10 - 12 hours depends on the tasks for that day
Ava Clark
Usually it take me 8-9hrs.
Cecilia Tran
Currently working between 12-16 hours a day!
Cyril Gupta
Usually it's 10 hours, rarely 2 less, mostly 2 more. 7 days a week
Paolo Castro
I work tirelessly every day, chasing my dreams and never stopping until they become a reality. How about you? πŸ’ͺ🌟
12 not because i have too, because i want to.
Graham Wood
Varies but usually try to stick to 8 maximum. And if I have to pull an all nighter or longer day for a urgent project I balance it out by blocking out time the next day or day after and work less hours. It's a happy medium which works for me and I do not feel guilty about when I'm taking the downtime either.
Jennifer Laura
It varies according to the work load. Usually 6-7 hrs.
Shachar Keidar
It depends, some day I am very concentrated and can work -9 hours, some days I feel really tired and not focused and it's hard to work even 6 hours πŸ˜…
Amulya Prasad
8 - 10hrs depending on the workload.
Don't keep a track of it πŸ™ˆ I believe what matters is the amount work you are able to get done rather than the number of hours you are working for 😊
Chel Chen
About 10 hours, just launched our product today, seeking for feedback :) (