How many hours do you work per day?

Anil Matcha
55 replies


Chloé Renault
That depends on how you feel about it. Is commenting on a Product Hunt discussion work? 🤓 A lot of hours if you count all those fun little tasks.
Kevin Lu
10-12 hours~ How about you @matcha_anil
Oh my! I am not proud but 16-18hours currently! How about you?
Natella Nuralieva
Does that include time with the kid? :) 9-10 hrs of work + constant background thoughts on how I could improve the product
Antoni Kozelski
I try to work 9-12 hours and rest on weekends
George Kalandadze
It depends, but on average 8-10
@matcha_anil Ah, the good ol' work hours question! Well, you know, it's a bit of a mixed bag for me. Some days, it feels like I'm glued to my desk for hours, and then other days, I manage to escape early. But let me tell you, has been my secret sauce in making those work hours count. When I'm diving into writing tasks, this AI buddy helps me draft stuff that's not only top-notch but also SEO-friendly. And social media? Oh, it's like having this savvy friend who knows what's trending and suggests posts that catch eyes. Plus, marketing strategies? doesn't just help; it's like the brain behind those killer campaigns. So, even if my work hours are a bit unpredictable, this AI tool ensures that every minute I spend is super productive. But hey, here's the kicker – isn't just about work hours; it's about managing tasks like a boss. It helps me organize projects and collaborate with my team seamlessly. It's like this all-knowing digital assistant that ensures nothing falls through the cracks. So, while my work hours might vary, with on my side, I'm making the most out of every minute. It's like having a productivity genie granting me all the wishes I need to conquer the day.
Adebayo Mustafa
How about "how many hours do you sleep per day" haha. Not proud of that but its at the very early stage at Workverse Virtual Workspace and we are just putting in the extra work required
Anna Kasumova
Approx 6 hours screen time + around 2 hours with the telephone And constant background thoughts :(((
Solomon Bush
Not enough as I'd like :)
Steve Lou
10-12 hours for me! How about you?
Ayşegül Eren
OMG. I checked the comments and there are lots of person who works for like 9-10 hours a day. I cannot believe that this is our reality. Unfortunately most of us have to work to afford a normal life but it's crazy. 🤯
Rustam Eldarov
9-11 I wish we were working 6–7 hours. :(
Christopher Nguyen
I'm putting in 16 hours of work every day, no more social life... 😢 PS: Based on these comments, someone all about work-life balance might tag this post as pretty toxic lol
It depends on the weekday, but I could work from 9am to 3am. This means probably something like 16h [ without breaks ]. I am a night owl web developer.
Adam Cohen Hillel
Man... these days about 12 hours, and then alsop some sleepless night keep thinking about stuff
Igor Lysenko
About 12 hours a day
Approximately 9-12 hours, depending on my mood. There is a slight seasonality in my work - at the beginning of the month, there is always much more work compared to the end.