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  • How do you think marketing will look like in 5-10 years?

    Stefani Sparysheva
    68 replies
    Will smth change drastically? Which kinds of strategies and channels will evolve, transform or die?


    Mounir Nejjai
    depends what we're talking about... let's imagine a world where AI is everywhere... maybe you'll market to AIs? maybe you won't have marketers for B2B: you'll have AIs evaluating offers proposed by AIs... who knows what will happen in 10 years...
    Ostap Yaroshevych
    I think marketing will be hyper-personalized, one-to-one, real-time and more technology and data-driven
    Olya Zabalkanska
    We can consider Metaverse in the future. It will create a new advertising ecosystem with new ways of product placements and ads
    Aaron O'Leary
    I think there will be a lot of A.I built to complement the human element of marketing but not to overtake it.
    @aaronoleary yep, agree. Marketing will be kinda the same but with AI technology added.
    Huipin Zhang
    @aaronoleary Agree! many marketing contents such as blogs and videos will be automatically generated. A bot that's more familiar with the product than its builders in the company is used host podcasts / webinars.
    Victor Cucu
    Expensive, very expensive.
    Huipin Zhang
    @victorcucu7 Technologies such as AI will bring the cost down significantly
    Victor Cucu
    @huipin_zhang we will see how much will cost to get one contact/Lead, when 3rd party cookies will be gone, building your on CDPs will be a must, and everyone will compete for that contact collection, not sure what AI can do better, they are ways to hack the algorithms already.
    Hüseyin Kara
    The marketing future is Magnetiq! :) More detail: https://www.producthunt.com/post...
    Huipin Zhang
    @andrewcanday Yes, AI helps inbound marketing especially contents marketing.
    Giles Crouch
    @andrewcanday @huipin_zhang Not really. It stifles creativity and stops potentially good marketers from using critical thinking.
    Andrew C.
    @huipin_zhang @giles_crouch i agree to disagree... but AI will be too advanced and give much more cutting edge ideas
    Hopefully is based on genuine facts not half baked truths or plain lies as it currently is. Marketing tied to product metrics or customer is entitled to refund.
    Nayan Kumar
    In B2B marketing, buying "intent" is a key determinant to closing deals. I believe it's going to get a lot more accurate in the coming decade and marketing is going to get hyper targeted.
    Jasper Ruijs
    So every marketeer will have to be able to do data science. Google, Meta, and other companies will have a monopoly on quality data, like psychography, but every other company will have its tracking. The AI will select titles and images, but the content has to be written by a human. Most ads will be on the AR interface and not the internet. VR will be around and growing, but it is still not accepted by the majority. The attribution problem will be solved, and by then, most of the algorithms in social media will be figured out, so the ad budget will be higher; also, because the depression is still around, every business is desperate to find clients willing to pay. I also believe that more companies that do unethical marketing will be canceled. Also, the world will be divided into super tribes that meet digitally but are bound in the real world with borders. Maybe in ten years, we will see the first network state. I foresee that sustainable business marketing, spiritual growth hacking, and customer loyalty hacking, will reach enormous levels of popularity.
    Giles Crouch
    @jas801 That's horrifying. Marketing is not reductionist. Data science is reductionist and while it has its inherent values, it is not human. Marketing is about creativity, it is not a "data science" and that's why it's failing today. And will continue to do so, until it figures out where the data stops and the creativity begins.
    Jasper Ruijs
    @giles_crouch Marketing without the human touch feels empty. Sadly most marketeers I know assume the know people, based on their assumptions about the world. Henceforth when you use data to understand your customer better, then apply creativity to inspire emotion, you get best of both worlds. We are only at the beginning of this marketing paradigm. I would argue the opposite, that most digital marketing nowadays is assumption based and therefore feels more misplaced with reality.
    Jasper Ruijs
    @giles_crouch I suspect you are afraid this data is everything paradigm. I don’t believe we are our data; it's a small fragment of our human experience. Ethical marketing will be further developed in the coming years. I loathe all those marketers who only zealously pursue growth, not willing to reflect on the impact of their actions on humanity and the planet. But I understand this consciousness level that we are already moving beyond as a society. If you are interested in a model of how society is going to develop, which won’t be consistent progression, check out the book spiral dynamics.
    Ankur (LongShot.ai)
    1. For starters, marketing content (text, images, videos) will largely be in the realm of AI. Content "creation" will be more like content editing / retouching. 2. Hyper personalization. To the point that we'll start seeing native scenes in the movies you watch (custom to you), personalized stanzas in songs you listen to. 3. Almost all digital products will be dirt cheap or free. (like yours @stefaniya_sparysheva) 4. Digital products started to move from on prem to cloud 20 years back. They will again move back to on prem (or edge). So customers will likely pay "ONE TIME" for majority of digital products. 5. A significant amount of purchases will be in cryptocurrencies. Which will give a hardtime to marketers to adjust CAC, MRR, ACV, LTV, etc. 6. We'll start to see products being purchased by one's "digital self" more or less on it's own will. The marketers will need to woo your digital counterpart too.
    Giles Crouch
    @stefaniya_sparysheva @ankurpandey_info That's trying to rationalize marketing, which is ridiculous. Marketing is about culture and thus, human behaviour, AI does not understand culture. It is far too rational, driven by algorithms that are biased to those creating them.
    Ankur (LongShot.ai)
    @stefaniya_sparysheva @giles_crouch how do you know the culture? By learning about it, right? AI will also do the same. And I'm not claiming that AI will become the next David Ogilvy or Steve Jobs - those will always be due to human ingenuity! All it has to do is to do better than your decent everyday digital marketer. Which of the 6 points I mentioned specifically you disagree with?
    Daniel Miller
    All Content. SEO Thought leadership based.
    Christian Lowe
    I suspect the future of marketing will be the rise of corporate personalities. Influencer marketing has become one of the most effective marketing channels out there, and there is already a pretty big economy built around assisting aspiring influencers in growing their audiences and sourcing deals with corporate brands. I don't think it would be a leap to believe that consumer-facing companies may start investing in "in-house" influencers to more "authentically" connect with everyday consumers.
    Giles Crouch
    @deeblekpantha I hope not. Neither corporations nor brands can have "personalities" they are rational organisations with no conscience. They are made up of humans. It is impossible for them to have a "personality"...
    Christian Lowe
    @giles_crouch Oh I very much agree. I think this would be very bad for society. But it definitely seems like a growing trend for companies to connect with some customers purely through influencers. I see this most strongly with the Gen-Z demographic who seem to make buying decisions way differently than previous generations and who seem to be the most heavily influenced by social media personalities.
    Lirian Ostrovica
    Wish there comes a time, when information technology advances to a point, where it becomes possible that products compete fairly by their own merit, and not through the noise created by what we today call marketing & promotion.
    Giles Crouch
    @lirian Indeed. But information technologies, like any technology, are neutral. It is how humans, through culture, shape technologies. Much marketing has been saturated and misdirected by too much data. That's the problem. Time for marketers to get creative again.
    Lirian Ostrovica
    @giles_crouch True that, but what I mean goes much further, and it might be just a dream. Products and services that we try to sell, have: 1- the real objective "merit" 2- the "merit" that we create for them, through Marketing, Advertising & Promotions What if somehow, someday, the information technology would automatically pick up the real "merit" of each product and promote it according to a fair formula, to all the potential customers. I know it so far-fetched, but you got to let go your fantasy sometimes. Money spent in marketing&promotion do not (literally) add value, like production and services do.
    Vladimir Rigenco
    AI-driven marketing in Augmented reality.
    Giles Crouch
    @vladimir_rigenco That would be a nightmare. AI is algorithms. Marketing is the cultural side of business. AI would utterly kill it.
    Elli Kim
    Uber personalized thanks to AI and ML! But hopefully less invasive... I'm not sure if they can be achieved simultaneously but one can only hope :)
    Mehran Najafi
    It’ll be less about fighting for attention and more about making connection. Building community + content creation all the way
    Bernard Badó
    The same as today! Ogilvy on Advertising was published in 1983 and the same principles are being used to this day.
    Stefani Sparysheva
    @bernard_bado principles are the same but channels, methods and tools evolve though
    Max Lazarenko
    lots of AI and AI engineers/admins.