From coffee shops to couches, where do you find your best work happens?

Many of us are remote workers here. Where is your go-to for your best work? Your bedroom? Office? Coffee shop? Library?


Peter Hansen
In a comfy armchair with Mahler as background music
Elizabeth Tishchenko
Dark corner at a coffee shop with quiet music works the best so far. Sometimes I'm going to the co-working spaces. What about you?
Cameron Scully
i pretty much move around everywhere to change it up. Not a fan of a dedicated place for work and my productivity stays the same regardless
Hassani Masudi
dedicated workspaces for me. much quieter than a coffee shop and less distractions
@hassani_masudi agree, coffee shops are good when they are very empty. But my desk has extra screen and I like routine
Tegan Bradleys
Being surrounded by nature.
Jonathan Tahiry
In my incubator office. Everyone is so focused on their work, and it is contagious. Very optimal for productivity!
Avikalp Gupta
I have a proper workstation set up at my home office. But increasingly, I am feeling that going to a cafe nearby with others working around me makes me more productive.
Precious Young
I find work easy in my bed room or the libary
Claire Oswald
Definitely coffee shops! Love seeing other people being productive whether it's working on their laptops or reconnecting with friends. I try to switch up my work environment a few times a week to help stay productive!
Daniel Zaitzow
My office is my kitchen table so right here!
in a library or perhaps anywhere with noise below 25 decibels. :D
Office everyday, or good coffee shop! Not bedroom, need to disassociate work and sleep. How about you Bren?
Anjali N
My couchh + with some techno music :) also my cold coffee, my book & my pencil!
in a quite place with a cup of tea
My favorite place is the bookstore's cafe, which, unlike a professional cafe, seems to have the magic of immersing you in your own world, serene and focused.
I think its my bedroom. πŸ˜„
Alvaro Villalba Perez
A couch is a powerful location. Instead of "open to work remotely" people should say "open to work from my couch" πŸ€“ I'd say I do my best work sitting in a chair with a table in front -- old-school styles, maybe?
Office is the best place to work... in remote work can't create the working environment....
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Artyom Sviridov
Mostly from my room. Zero distractions.