Do you use social media as part of your marketing strategy?

Richard Fang
65 replies


Mariah MacInnes
Yes! But I like to look at it as "content marketing" and feature multiple content streams!
Natalie Karakina
Yes, we do, content + ads
Yes, it is. I think marketing using social media is very important!
Ruben Wolff
We do and you should to. Nowadays, you can't have a full marketing plan without taking social media into account. And especially if you're a indie founder, you'll need support of your online community
Subin Heo
We are considering it too, and I think doing Instagram is kind of a must nowadays since GenZ use it as their first channel to get to know about certain products or brand. Besides that we are not doing it actively since our product is focusing on solving very specific problem (college application preparation), thus search engine optimization is more effective marketing strategy.
Sofia Polonska
Hi, guys. My team actively use Twitter and Linkedin. I feel like this 2 platforms are concentration of founders and investors. What can you recommend me as well)?
Savian Boroanca
@tasha_dziatkovskaya Slack groups can be good, also in some cases.
Gleb Braverman
Yes, we are working with content creators from TikTok and other social media channels
Richard Fang
@gleb_braverman What have you seen work the best for TikTok?
Veranika Vinichenka
Yes, but more in «Just for fun» format, Instagram
Alice Rodgers
we do) Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIN for now Planning to use tiktok and youtube, medium later
Richard Fang
@cn__katie Out of curiosity - what has worked well for insta and TikTok?
Aleh Barysevich
Sure! Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube are probably our best channels to share information about the solutions and services. Also, try to focus on social listening (find people who are talking about product or problems that your product helps with and respond to them). You can set up Google alerts or use a social listening tool, such as Awario.
Jing Hu
We do! content + ad. Thought after a while I realized how difficult it is to attract organic users.
Alessia Armenise
Yes absolutely, LinkedIn and Twitter for us!
Jaskiran Kaur
I feel Social Media is great way for Marketing. Everyone is now on social media and it is best way to tell about the company and products
Pallavi Khanna
Yes! We are fairly active on Twitter and LinkedIn. Curious to know if any SaaS companies use Instagram as a part of their strategy? If yes, does it help? I've always believed that Instagram is not the right audience for SaaS products.
Bahaa Mahagne
Sure! and you should do it too. The key ingredient for doing social media marketing well is having a strategy.
Social media marketing is must because our customers are spending good amount of time on these platforms.
David J. Kim
Regardless of the type of company you have, you must do social media marketing eventually. It has simply too many people on there to ignore across all demographics.
Jack Davis
Yes it is free so why not? Great way to build earned & owned media.
Namrata Arya
All the time! It's probably one of the best and the most cost effective ways of connecting with your audience :)
Yousif Abood
Over 3.7 billion people use social media worldwide, 4.4 billion by 2025, according to Statista. So with roughly half of the world's population on social media, you'd do yourself and your business a disservice by not making social media a core component of your marketing strategy. Warning, shameless plug incoming: We developed SocialWeaver, a social media management platform to help businesses build and grow their audience on social media. We launched SocialWeaver here a couple of years ago. Our platform supports Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and RSS. We have a free plan if you want to check us out. Happy to answer any questions.