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  • Do you take days off regularly?

    Wyatt Feaster
    22 replies
    If you are working on your project as a side hustle how many days are you working a week? Do you plan days off?


    Dan O'Malley
    I have a very difficult time taking an entire day off. I know I should, but rarely do unless I'm out of town for an event like a wedding. Even, then, though, I might sneak in an hour or so of work first thing in the morning.
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    For me, it is more unregular and my days off are not completely days off. I need to work on something (:
    Muhammad Daffa Shiddiq
    Balancing the hustle with downtime is key! 🚀 I aim for 5 days of focused work and 2 days to recharge. How about you? Do you find your creativity sparks after a day off?
    Han Kim
    Sunrise: Guided Journaling & Mindfulness
    Sunrise: Guided Journaling & Mindfulness
    Probably once a week
    Ernest Wolfe
    Days off? What are those? 😂 When you're side-hustling, the calendar seems to blur into one long workday! But seriously, I try to squeeze in at least one 'lazy day' a week—mostly to remind myself what sunshine looks like! 🌞
    Azza Shahid
    Nope. Havent taken a day off in months.
    Andrew C.
    its difficult... however i keep Sunday's for myself and the family... so yeah... sunday's are the days i take off
    Daniel Clevenger
    Absolutely! It is essential for both my mental and physical health
    Ayaz Akram
    I try to, but it doesn’t always happen. When I do, it makes a big difference. Taking a day off every now and then helps me recharge and come back with a fresh perspective. It’s tough to step away, but it’s worth it in the long run.
    Iulian D
    No, I don’t. I find it hard to step away when I’m focused on my work, but I’m working on finding a better balance!
    Alex gleen
    I try too, but work sometimes get pretty hectic
    Natalie Ermishina
    I try to keep the balance and take day offs regularly, but when some dls or a launch - of course, I can't even think of any rest :)
    Mindy Mcconaghy
    I try to take at least one day off a week to recharge. It’s tough, but I’ve realized that rest is essential for long-term productivity.
    Jenifer Lamberto
    I work on my side hustle almost every day, but I make sure to plan a day off here and there to avoid burnout. It’s all about balance.
    Noora khan
    I used to push through without breaks, but now I plan my days off more deliberately. It’s made a huge difference in how I approach my work.
    Gabriel Ryan
    I usually take vacations every few months
    Isis Clemente
    I believe in taking breaks to recharge
    Whitney M
    I depends on the work load
    Steward Edison
    I'm pretty flexible with my schedule, so I can take time off when I need it 😍