Do you prefer to read print or digital books?

Jao Japitana
99 replies
I love the scent of printed books and I have small library, so I am big fan of printed books. But I also am always moving around, so digital books are really handy


Digital surprisingly - I love my kindle.
Swati Baruah
Print books all the way! Can't replace the scent of books πŸ˜…
Oksana Budz
@swati_baruah Please support our startup on our launch. Just check Intelswift in top launches and press upvoteπŸ€žπŸΌπŸ™β­οΈ
Mayank K Sahu
Print over digital, easing eye strain!
Oksana Budz
@mayankkr Please support our startup on our launch. Just check Intelswift in top launches and press upvote🀞🏼⭐️
Terrence Kelleman
Print because I love writing notes in the folds but I read both
α—°α—©α™­ ᒍ.
PRINT, especially if it's like a old book they smell so good, anyone else or I'm just weird? πŸ˜‚
Business Marketing with Nika
@maxjacobs you are not alone. I also have this kind of fetish. :D
Viola Schoell
@maxjacobs I feel the same way :) I also prefer printed books. Digital books are not the same experience
α—°α—©α™­ ᒍ.
@viola_s Kindel who?πŸ˜‚
Prem Saini
Print ofcourse!!
Read boks
Chris Liam
I'll always go with printed books because of the vibes, the smell of pages, the feel of touching those pages, and lastly, the hunger to read them once in a while.
Business Marketing with Nika
Print books. When I read something in digital form, I cannot concentrate.
Digital, because I can take notes with my kindle, export them in Notion and have questions about the book, plus I also try to apply the things I learn. Can't really do that with a physical book, taking pics and converting them into text takes time...
Listening to books on Audible during solo drives or walks. I almost always buy the physical book for reference and notes if I like listening to the audio book version. Last book listened to is: Traction by Gabriel Weinberg. The physical copy has been highlighted for many Go-To-Marketing strategies. I recommend it for new founders in B2C space.
Hussein Hashish
good old fashioned printed books
Avital Trifsik
I like print, not really sure why thought lol
Being a busy founder I find myself listening to podcasts much more than reading books :)
Alex Shapoval
Mostly digital because they are easy and fast to get. And Kindle is easy on the eyes too!
Daniel Burns
Printed ones, even though digital ones are easier to carry around.
Juliette BEGUE
In my native language, I prefer to read print. But ebooks are just so handy to check the meaning of words !