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  • Do cold emails/LinkedIn messages work?

    Olena Bomko
    64 replies


    Joseph Ahlo
    I think they rarely work. Even if the person is โ€œactiveโ€ on LinkedIn it seems like the reply rate is pretty much zero. I would recommend trying organic posts and tagging the person you think your post relates toโ€ฆ that will probably get their attention faster.
    Ashutosh Raj
    Hey @olenabomko, It does work, especially if you are selling is mostly outbound dependent and you are selling high ticket size product. :D It does require a good amount of experimentation though on all fronts like ICP, geography you are selling to, messaging, outreach method, etc.
    Olena Bomko
    The LinkedIn Inbound Playbook
    The LinkedIn Inbound Playbook
    @ashutosh_raj @maria_anosova Can you share some results, please?
    Ashutosh Raj
    @maria_anosova @olenabomko The message which has got me most replies is approaching from a lens of a customer and the challenges. When you talk about the challenges in the industry or approach for a feedback to improve the product, people resonate or feel like they are a part of your solution defining team (they feel included)! And I've had cases when these conversations do turn into calls and even pilots :D PS: It's especially beneficial if you are a founder.
    Ashley from Shadow
    @olenabomko @ashutosh_raj I haven't had much luck and I'm doing/did the documentation to every detail. How did you find your PMF for outbound leads?
    Daniel Burns
    We've tried cold messages on LinkedIn, and in fact, they do work! Be mindful that you will probably have to A/B test quite a lot during those, especially if you do not know your target audience.
    Olena Bomko
    The LinkedIn Inbound Playbook
    The LinkedIn Inbound Playbook
    @dan_burns Interesting! Who is your target audience?
    @dan_burns Hey Daniel how about leveraging WhatsApp marketing as a addition to cold emailing?
    Daniel Burns
    @olenabomko We mainly target large enterprises who are highly dependent on the software testing, such as automotive industries.
    Daniel Burns
    @istiakahmad Haven't thought about that one at all. What are some of the benefits of using WhatsApp as a part of cold calling?
    @dan_burns 1) No Bans or Obligation From WhatsApp/meta, 2) No infrastructural cost like Cold Emailing, 3) Could be able to send messages in a professional way, 4) No warm Up Required, 5) No complex setup ( You can get started with your account in under 5 minutes ), 6) Unlike cold emailing the read/reply/response is much much higher, 7) Unlike Cold emailing the messages will always land in WhatsApp inbox, and many many more.. I believe for growth and scaling, every channel is Important if it serve the purpose ( : , hope this make sense ๐Ÿ˜Š
    Mario Velichkov
    Just a matter of not sending the same canned email or message to everyone. Respecting their own time and priorities by not filling up their dms or mailbox with emails every week. Better to spend a few minutes writing something relevant, funny, or provoking every few months than wasting your time with a canned message or email that is more likely to get you an unsubscribe than a response. Usually, a good personalized subject line of an email gets your foot in the door - then if the actual content is worthy you might even get a response. Sometimes it's a matter of consistency over a long period, so nurturing your contacts, engaging with their updates, and understanding their position and business will build trust and interest at some point with some contacts. Mix things up with a video message, cold call and even leave voicemails, I've found that emails where I mention I left a voicemail tend to have a higher reply rate. It's good for people to put a voice next to a name.
    Sebastian Karges
    @mario_velichkov 100% relevance is key. Better less messages but well crafted and targeted that they are useful for the receiver instead of the typical 'we're in the same group let's connect'
    Bob WIlsey
    Yes, they do work if used in an optimized and non spammy manner
    Peter Hansen
    It doesn't work, in my opinion, but I am very interested in others' opinions and, hopefully, explanations of why it worked for them.
    @trumpeter Hey Peter, dont forget to our meta compliant WhatsApp outreaching software as it could be a great addition to cold emailing (:
    @trumpeter Beta testing starts in few days, have you already filled the registration form yet? Or shall i reach out to you directly once its live?
    Olena Bomko
    The LinkedIn Inbound Playbook
    The LinkedIn Inbound Playbook
    @istiakahmad Do you know that people can report you for so many comments?
    @olenabomko Well i just replied to few peoples comment. Anyway, i will be more aware of it and will try to limit my activity. Actually, i was away for a while from the activity within PH, so i guess its my excitement of coming back to PH that lead me start engaging. I'll hold my excitement then!
    @olenabomko well Olena I'm just creating awareness that's all! i love sharing knowledge and wisdom ( : Regarding the solution, honestly you know it fascinates me when i see people get excited/motivated/inspired just by the idea of the solution, as you know its not even live yet! I will try my best to keep their expectation met ( :
    Anthony Santos
    Yes -- but only doing so strategically. It requires you to take time beforehand to research your ideal customer profiles, understand their pain points, and cater short, personalized messages. If you're smart about how to approach it, cold email/linkedIn messaging can be effective (especially in B2B).
    Avital Trifsik
    It does! not with everyone but always worth the shot
    Outlit AI
    Outlit AI
    Sometimes yes, sometimes no. The warmer you can make the message the better but if anything you have to do research and make it personalized to have a chance.. oh and follow up lol a few times ahahah
    @jearle Josh have you every thought of leveraging WhatsApp as an alternative of cold emailing?
    Outlit AI
    Outlit AI
    @istiakahmad Nahhhh, If a sales reps sent me a Whatapp message I would be concerned more than anything ahaha
    @jearle Dont you think Cold emailing could make someone feel the same way? My point is does not matter which channel it is, it has to be personalized. If it is personalized then channel should not matter isnt it? Does this perspective make sense?
    Outlit AI
    Outlit AI
    @istiakahmad I disagree. The channel definitely does matter. If you email or LinkedIn message me its understandable that you got my contact information from the web. If you pull my personal cellphone number, 10/10 my reaction would be "how did you get this information" and you lose my trust immediately. Thats just me
    @jearle i completely agree with your disagreement. So basically if someone sends you a message and you feel that way then you must not be a proper target audience! Again it comes to the basics. Target audience selection is the most important part. Secondly, about pulling your cell number isnt similar to pulling email addresses? When it comes to collecting contact information, whether it's a cell number or email, it depends on how it's obtained. The process of generating leads is complex and impacts lead quality. As for communication channels, it's about being aware of what's available. Email has been around for a while, but new channels like LinkedIn and even WhatsApp are emerging. Recently, Meta has even approved outreach via WhatsApp, making it a potential goldmine if done right due to its global userbase and credibility. I love constructive criticism man. open for your opinions. THanks ( :
    Email is a great channel. In my B2B world for the last 23 years, email has worked and worked for enterprise customers in a big way. Send 10M emails and get 0.5-1% conversion; they are happy to rinse and repeat. LinkedIn has been a big fail for me as I found it mostly hogged by recruiters who want to send me candidates or hire me for a position or business insurance folks seeking to give my company coverage. So I eventually left LinkedIn to focus on X (formerly Twitter) and found X spaces (audio-only conversation in an open setting) to be very interesting, but since I do not talk about controversy or the latest craze, the rooms that I create are small 10-150 people at most. But folks who talk controversy or dive into conspiracy theories of the world, which the world has an abundance of, gain colossal momentum in X. Again, these are my personal experiences as a tech business owner for the last 23 years and a published tech author since my college days.
    Jon Wesselink
    I get tons of them almost daily in my position. I see the same "higher" level tactics like sending a coffee image with my name on it used over and over. If you don't sound like a robot and actually take the time to learn what we do, you can improve your responses. I always take note of the ones I click or feel like I could reply to. They almost all have personalized opener, short, sweet and have a real good offer or have social proof.
    Jon Wesselink
    One that got me the furthest was a "custom video" where the person read his pitch with a fake webcam image on a video of him scrolling through our website lmao. Now imagine if he had at least one small thing to say about it!
    Cara (Borenstein) Marin
    I think it works as long as your target customer really spends time on LinkedIn. When I had tried this for software developers, I found a low response rate (vs twitter DMs - where they're more present). But, e.g., for engineering managers who are hiring (and therefore on LinkedIn all the time), I've had some success. Also echoing what's below - it can't be a canned message. Needs to be personalized to them -- why are you reaching out?
    Jacopo Proietti
    It has low success rate, but it's the most effective way to grow initially. Personally, saw more success with LinkedIn than email though.
    Noah Wittman
    I hate InMails but DMs are ok if you are connected with the person
    Anastasia Liamets
    I believe so โ€“ if you target the right pain point, and offer a solution at the right time. It's all about personalization. Plus, can be even better with intros from people you have in common.
    Shawn Olds
    Hello @olenabomko I am one of the few people who probably enjoys receiving cold DMs / invites on LinkedIn. I have a standard response I send to all cold outreach introducing them to our platform https://boodlebox.ai/, it has generated more than a few new customers to our platform! That said, I also do cold outreach, but I find they are best received when you really drill down to a targeted group to reach out to and send a very targeted message that will resonate with them.
    Sadath N
    Tricky question. I don't have an exact answer for this. But I would suggest trying both option and figure out which is working for your industry.
    Michael Iams
    Sample size of one, but I've yet to bite on any cold outreach. That said, I have a pretty extensive network and am usually able to mine contacts when need arises.