Can you go a week without a phone?

69 replies


Nancy Nishi
No i can't go without a phone
Shon Paunan
I can, if I am in a real relaxing place. I am sucker for coldness so I would really love to be up in the mountains with a real nice view
Milap Singh
It depends upon the location. but yes i can.
Jan Paolo Villena
If I'm with my partner, then yes
Melrick Cayanan
course not. HAHAHAHHA
Anshaj Goyal
It is possible for an individual to go a week without a phone, but it may be challenging for many people, particularly if they rely on their phone for various tasks and communication. Going without a phone can be inconvenient, as it may make it difficult to communicate with others, access information, and perform certain tasks. However, if an individual is able to make arrangements in advance and has access to alternative methods of communication and information, it may be possible to go a week without a phone. For example, an individual could use a landline phone or a computer to communicate with others, and they could use a public library or another person's device to access information. It may also be helpful to consider why an individual is considering going a week without a phone. If they are looking to take a break from technology or reduce their phone use, there may be other ways to achieve this goal without going completely without a phone. For example, an individual could set limits on their phone usage, turn off notifications, or designate certain times of day as "phone-free" periods.
Richard Gao
@anshaj_goyal No offense, but was this written by ChatGPT? This tech is advancing quick. Btw, I've used it a few times to answer questions here as well ;)
Kritika Jain
Yes, but it can be difficult to manage your routine without a phone. You may find yourself feeling restless and unproductive if you cannot access information or contact people easily. Additionally, staying off of social media sites may be more difficult if you depend on them for communication. Ultimately, taking some time away from your phone can help improve your mental and physical health!
Vanshika Arora
It is quite difficult! I am postponing my Lasik surgery because of my work. 😅
Jason Andries
I wish I could, but I can't unfortunately. I've had trips where I didn't look at my phone almost all day, but I love to stay in touch with my friends and family and that's the most important reason why I couldn't go without my phone for a week.
Richard Gao
@jason_andries1 Same for me. I've seen lots of the older generation complain that the younger generation "can't go 3 seconds without their phone", but they don't realize it's less posting to Tiktok and more staying in touch with friends and family.
Rissy Miranda
If for social media purpose, most definitely, yes. I could really use a detox from online shopping too lol. But for work and contacting family - nope can't do.
Sanya Sharma
I don't think that would be possible for me.
Sakshi Gahlawat
I don't think that's possible :)
Rosette Ting
NO! My kids will call me asking for them to buy them load or something! hahaha!
Minha Nadeem
Totally depends upon how addicted or glued you are.
Richard Gao
Definitely not. I need it for work (I take and make lots of calls) and as a GPS. However, ignoring necessities, if I could only use the essentials on my phone for a week? It would be hard, but doable.
Amy Walsh
No, My phone is half life for me now a days.
Launching soon!
Yes, it is possible to go for a week without a phone. Many people have done it as a way to unplug and recharge. It can be challenging to go without a phone for a week due to its convenience, but it is possible.