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  • Share your product here to get support, feedback, users (w/c 6th of January)

    Aaron O'Leary
    143 replies
    Hi Makers! This thread is dedicated to you if you are: (1) launching soon or recently launched (2) looking for beta users (3) asking for feedback on a landing page First, start by helping out another maker. You can check out their launch, give their product a review or share a comment on their launch post. Once you've helped someone else out, share your product link here and BE SPECIFIC about who your target audience is and how we can help.


    Valentin Radu
    Hey makers! I'm about to launch the beta version of UIflow (https://uiflow.app), a tool built for developers with the primary purpose of standardizing the design handoff process while automating the creation of (localized) labels, styles (fill, stroke, shadow, font, font size etc) and layout (padding, margins, etc) There are a couple of solutions already available or similar (Zeplin, Figma, etc), but I feel like they don't focus enough on what's really important for developers: having all the assets ready-to-use in you code. Any questions or feedback is welcomed!
    We are happy to introduce you to Colorsinspo! We have been working extensively on this for the past two months. It’s been an exciting journey to make “Colorsinspo.” The team consists of myself(@imdeepjoshi ) and @its_mnthn. 🎉 Colorsinspo is all in one resource for finding everything about color with extreme ease. No more surfing on the internet to find the right color combinations & tools, resource!We’ve got you covered. We simplify the process of choosing colors for your design. If you have any idea that we should consider, then we are looking forward to hearing your thoughts about it. Colorsinspo
    Justin George
    @imdeepjoshi @its_mnthn This is an awesome tool. good job on the site design
    Iain Freestone
    @imdeepjoshi @its_mnthn Colorinspo looks amazing well done and with some really handy tools. Good luck for the future
    Hello @iain_freestone Thanks for your kind words mate & stay connected for more amazing tools and updates❤️🔥
    Hat Johnson
    @imdeepjoshi I love, love, love this idea. I have been looking for something like this for months. I take it you are still adding colours to your system? I tried to search the code for our branding colour and it doesn't exist on the site- it's obviously an obscure colour though. The site is really easy to navigate BTW- and I totally got sucked in to playing the colour games (I thought I was much better at colours than this showed me to be lol)
    Daniel Gomes
    @imdeepjoshi @its_mnthn I like this. I will definitelly use this on my projects. I like how you guys managed to put several color tools in a single place. Please, keep it up!
    Gonçalo Henriques
    Hi, So, New Year, New Project! I've been working on Nocodery, a #nocode job board. Upcoming here https://www.producthunt.com/upco... Why did I do it? I've been fascinated with the nocode movement for the past few months since I've moved to Product Management and I also noticed that although is quite easy to start it can be quite hard to master some tools and because of that people look to hire experts over social media. So, the question stroke me, Why isn't there a place where one can find all #nocode dedicated jobs? Cheers and Happy New Year!
    Ha Dao
    @gonelf hi, I've just subscribed your upcoming page and browsed your site. But I'm confused about your site. I saw jobs with the logo of upwork. Can u help me to clear this mind?
    Gonçalo Henriques
    @ha_dao_thi_thu We are aggregating all the #nocode offers from multiple places like upwork and people per hour, when we launch we will have more and the option to post you own job offer.
    Gonçalo Henriques
    @yaketysupport what was that? I could delete everything? :D
    @gonelf You can delete everything so that you can start building using the toolbar at the top of the page. Perhaps the messaging needs to be clearer! Would welcome your thoughts on ways to improve the interface!
    Gonçalo Henriques
    @yaketysupport I'd remove the first image and use the message "Collaboratively build web visuals and functionality, without constraints." as the first element. Also, I'd have a tooltips tutorial when you enter the edit mode because I ended up there by pressing everywhere and didn't understand what was happening.
    Justin George
    Hello, Justin from Raileo . https://raileo.com was built to monitor websites at a reasonable price point (currently offering only free plan). Comparing to traditional uptime and ssl monitoring services we also provides website performance monitoring integrated with Google Lighthouse. Raileo helps you to monitor, 1. Website downtime 2. SSL Expiry 3. Pagespeed (performance, SEO, best practices etc..). The free product is mainly aimed at developers who handles multiple projects for themselves or their clients. It's been 4 months since we launched with just pagespeed service. We have come a long way in terms of product features. Do check it out and DM me for any suggestions or feedback (currently main focus is to improve the UX, so any feedback on the UX is most appreciated).
    Louis Green (Louis T)
    @georgejustin22 This app looks very promising. As a manager of multiple web sites, it's great to be able to monitor uptime and SSL certificates all in one spot. What would be a great addition is also monitoring domain name status (i.e. registrar and how long before they expire).
    Justin George
    @flaresys2 That's awesome. I might have never thought about it. It may not be that useful because domain name providers usually send multiple notifications about the expiry. Let me check the possibilities for this. And if we do, you can expect a message from me :)
    Vytenis Pakėnas
    @georgejustin22 , did you consider having an option to update info with post methods (automatic) and check if outcome is as expected? I'd land you a few clients who would like to know when their sales process on simple Woocommerce stores is not working. By creating a session, adding a few links (for the funnel) and expected outcome (success url successfully loaded, f.e.) you would be a money saviour for them;)
    Justin George
    @vytenis Interesting. Idea is it to create a transaction which consists of couple of GET and POST requests, going from one request to another in some specific order, which helps to find if any of the request fails. Is that correct? If so, I think that'll be super useful.
    Vytenis Pakėnas
    @georgejustin22 yes, from client perspective to be sure that your sales process is not failing because of the random bug in some check out stage or ..:) And with woocomerce (and other solutions without automated tests involved) you can not do that. You can use services like yours to check if you get a 200 HTTP request and that's it. While for cstore owners it is important to be sure that they customers can actually buy (add to cart, go to checkout, fill in the fields and get a successful transaction). As there are often Bank payment method (or take from store) involved, your automatic tool could theoretically validate each of the steps :). As I remember for Woocommerce it might be possible to add to cart automatically via link (no post/get included). But you can explore further yourself ;)
    Vita Benes
    Hi! 6 days from now, the Deprocrastination Deschool begins. It's a 4 week online program helping you apply proven anti-procrastination techniques (from procrastination expert Neil Fiore, marketer Seth Godin, entrepreneurs Jeff Bezos or Gary Vee,...) to your life. If any of you, the makers of Product Hunt, would like to enroll, go here to get 50 % off
    Damla Yıldırım
    @vitabenes Hi, This is a great idea. I haven't experience the preview of the program yet. But there is something that catches my eye about the website in first sight. I am really interested in your business and I wanted to get some information about it. To do that I scroll down and down and down. I think that there are so much information and long writings on your homepage. In my opinion, if you make some improvements with your website, your conversion rate will be higher. I hope this will be helpful.
    Mohd Danish
    Hello makers, I'm so excited for my first SAAS project for Front-end Developers and I'm planning to launch this next week soon. Basically it's an NoCode tool to build third party applications APIs without any code. Like Airtable, Google Sheet, Google Analytics, twitter, RSS to JSON, Medium, etc. Project: https://nocodeapi.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/nocodeapi Upcoming page: https://www.producthunt.com/upco... I hope this will help to build MVP quickly. Thanks. See you soon on homepage of PH. :)
    Iain Freestone
    @mddanishyusuf Sounds great and I love to see more no code tools coming out. I have signed up and look forward to the release
    David Yarham
    @mddanishyusuf Looking forward to seeing this. Im loving the nocode/lowcode movement.
    @mddanishyusuf Sounds interesting, I look forward to your launch. You may want to check out our no-code web development platform by visiting yakety.co.uk
    Pollen Technologies
    @mddanishyusuf Really interested in looking at this. I think no code tools will be so useful so im excited to see all the new products coming out.
    Alin Rauta
    Hi everyone, I started a pre-order page on gumroad for my upcoming ebook on the basics of AI: https://gum.co/SXpw/alanturing. Demystifying AI is a non-technical book aimed at everybody that wants to understand why AI is the new electricity. It’s kind of “explaining like I’m five for AI”. Why am I doing this? Teaching someone else it’s said to be the best way of learning, so for the past four months I’ve been reading books on AI, watching almost every documentary on AI and taking courses on platforms like Udacity and Coursera to teach myself about AI. Now, I want to distill everything into an ebook that has the following purposes: 1. Teach you the basics of AI in an easily to understand manner 2. Excite you about the field of AI What do you say? Any feedback is appreciated!
    Derek Mei
    @rautaalin How many pre-orders have you gotten? Just out of curiosity.
    Alin Rauta
    @_derek_mei In 2 days I got none. I'm working on other ways to get the word out there about the book and hopefully get some pre-orders.
    Sandro Brito
    Hi makers, Eager to show you Nugget Notes. An app for your notes on your favourite books. http://www.nuggetnotes.app I've started working on Nugget notes about a month ago after noticing that I continuously take notes on the books I am reading, especially whilst listening to them as I have no way to refer back. I do this because it helps me retain the information and it serves as a reminder. After doing a small poll on linkedin and seeing that other people had the same habit, I decided to give it a go and develop an MVP for Nugget notes. We're still very early days but have great ideas for what it can become in the future. We're looking for beta users to start using our app with new notes on books you're reading or to load it with notes you might already have. We would love to speak to those who try our product as we want to learn more about your and your reading and note-taking habits and how can we address any pain-points. Please give it a go and if you like the idea, upvote us here on product hunt https://www.producthunt.com/post... Thank you and a happy New Year to all
    Ryan Donk
    @thesandrobrito I love the idea of being able to share and search notes for specific titles. I also have this habit (mainly for the non-fiction that I read). I use evernote that is synced between my phone and laptop and seems to work well for reference.
    Sandro Brito
    @ryan_donk Hi Ryan, Thank your for your reply. A few of the people I interviewed did the same as you. I wonder if you would be open to a chat someday? I am hoping that with iterations I can offer a product that can compete with established note taking apps like Evernote. Nugget notes is very young, but as long as we focus on what the original proposition is, we can evolve and grow.
    William Stringer
    @thesandrobrito My book note taking is mostly google searching other summaries, adding the summaries to Evernote and augmenting with my own notes/thoughts. I typically have to sift through multiple "book blurbs" before I find a legitimate review that covers the whole book. There are many personal blogs out there focused on book reviews, but I think having all the information curated in one spot will be a valuable tool for people like me that do not want to type up a summary from scratch.
    Ha Dao
    We are working hard to create the 1st official platform for Global Companies to hire Remote Talents in Asia timezone. We have just posted on the upcoming page of Product Hunt Waw.asia You may know a lot of remote job sites out there, but those are mainly for hiring talents in the US/ EU timezones. But: - With our site, you can pick up only Asian Talents so you can post jobs with a lower salary range compared to others due to the low living standard here. - Also, we charge a small amount of money on candidates to filter only serious remote talents coming to our site. If you are a global company with a remote culture and wanna save a lot of staffing costs, let's subscribe us to be informed about the official launch and get 3 MONTHS FREE posting an unlimited number of jobs on our site. https://www.producthunt.com/upco... Cheers!
    David Odukoya
    @ha_dao_thi_thu Good idea. I don’t think there can be too many sites for connecting freelancers with hirers. - Consider putting some example countries when you say Asia. Some people don’t think of India and neighboring countries when they hear Asia - Do you only connect the recruiter to the freelancer and let them handle their transactions or the communication/payment goes through your platform?
    Ha Dao
    @david_ta Hi David. Thank you for your cmt. Our site will focus on full-time Remote jobs from Global Companies for Asians instead of freelance jobs. - Our site will connect Global companies with remote cultures with talents in Asia timezone. All candidates will directly apply on recruiters' sites so that candidates will not have to worry about Scam jobs or losing their CVs/profiles. Also recruiters can directly receive TRUE CVs/ profiles of candidates so that they will not have to worry about the fake CVs
    Iain Freestone
    Hi all, I have very recently launched https://www.bubblinglab.com a site full or design inspiration and ideas aimed at online business owners , designers, freelancers and marketeers looking to create effective and fantastic looking sites. It focuses on particular sections of a site such as Pricing Pages,Contact Us pages etc. so you can quickly find specific ideas. I am currently looking for feedback on all areas of the site. I would love to hear want to think. Thank you
    Joanne Sturge
    @iain_freestone I think this is a great resource! I feel like I'm constantly designing webpages and looking for inspiration on my own can be time consuming. How do you source your examples? Do people submit them or "up vote" them similar to Product Hunt?
    Iain Freestone
    @joanne_sturge Thank you for your feedback, Sites can be recommend via a link in the footer but currently it is mainly me curating the content. I too have also spent countless hours searching the internet for ideas and I started saving these in a spreadsheet a while back. It was that spreadsheet that inspired me to create the site.
    Adit Gupta
    Hello Makers, I would like to introduce the all-new UX Assist - https://apps.apple.com/in/app/ux... It is a productivity app for new and experienced designers to help them in their design projects. The app provides workflows for designers comprising of activities related to user research, collaboration, facilitation, interaction design, and usability testing. It's the first app of its kind that has grouped UX activities into 16 unique workflows based on the type of product you're working on - an optimum viable product, a minimum viable product, an enterprise product, and a data-driven product. You can know about more than 80 design-related activities comprising of UX cards with bite-sized information about each activity. It will be great to hear from this awesome group! 🙂 Thanks, Adit
    Mubarak Marafa
    @aditgupta Yoooo this is super awesome! Love the idea! This would be very very useful as a sort of User Experience Checklist👏🏾
    Benedikt Knobloch
    Hi together & happy new year! We've just launched our restaurant menu extraction service here on PH! Our main target audience currently is the food delivery industry and the restaurant POS vendors who both need to onboard hundreds or thousands of new customers per month. Curious to learn about other interesting use cases :) How does it work? You send a JPG/PDF of a restaurant menu to our API and will receive back a CSV or JSON with the structured and extracted result! Want to give it a try? --> https://www.producthunt.com/post... Would love to get some feedback.
    David Yarham
    @bvknobloch This is Epic, I worked on an iPad food ordering service years ago this would of been awesome.
    Jerry Cid
    @bvknobloch ,thanks for sharing. Question, are you planning to go out there and collect some menus yourself, or do you depend on restaurant owners sending their menus?
    Benedikt Knobloch
    @jerrycid Actually, we focused on the technology for transforming/extracting the menus. We would not crawl the web for menus, but rather work with 'multipliers' like delivery services or restaurant review companies.
    Benedikt Knobloch
    @davidyarham thx a lot! Yes, some of our customers are ePOS/iPad POS vendors. It eases the onboarding process tremendously & cuts customer acquisition costs!
    James Petullo
    Hi everyone! I am excited to show you Scrapio (https://www.getscrapio.com/), a platform that lets you scrape the web right from your browser. Just enter a link and Scrapio will extract all relevant data from the page, no code required! Additionally, Scrapio is now launched on Product Hunt! (https://www.producthunt.com/post...). Thank you very much!
    Mark Fox
    Hi there, I have just launched the Tuepe, a simple tool for competitor's newsletter marketing tracking. https://tuepe.com I need feedback for a home page layout and a piece of advice for PH launch, is it better to find a hunter interested in publishing or to publish product by myself?
    Vytenis Pakėnas
    @m_a_r_k_f_o_x , personally I lack for reasons (use cases) why should I care :) I do know that it is a great value for me to know what competitors do, but it is hard to see from your lander: - that you actually help me not to disclose my email; - that I can get tons of emails to compare in a single view; Maybe some other features. So current lander can be improved a lot to answer the question Why should I care :)
    nextPhone Accessories
    Hey guys I am starting to sell AirPods Cleaning Kits it will be nice if you will check out my page. https://nextphoneaccessories.com/
    Erhan Karadeniz
    I’ve recently launched the new landing page of https://nomadbond.com it includes remote jobs now. (Posting is not open yet). I’m looking to gather feedback on what users would like to see more on the remote jobs part. Any feedback is welcome!
    Would love some positioning advice on Navigator: https://navigator.bytebeacon.com ( a no code solution to add a smart search bar / hotkey navigation for your website ) We're also on boarding early users on our free pilot program. Please reach out if interested !
    Matthew Behan-Fossey
    @catalyst_ic Super cool idea! I can see myself using this and can think of some websites that I wish had this tool! This seems like a power-user feature, and I'm wondering how this could be applied to regular website visitors? For example, can the search bar be configured to trigger on a custom action (i.e instead of a keyboard shortcut) ? Nonetheless, I would definitely be interested in trying this out, I've signed up :)
    @matthewbf Thanks for the kind words! re Trigger: We do allow opening the widget from a button click as well, if that is what you were suggesting. Happy to share more details on this. re Signing up: We'll reach out with the next steps. Just a heads up all we need is a website you have control of and can add a script tag in. We index your site and share a custom API key with you. We're responsible for keeping the index fresh so just adding the script tag is all that is required.
    David Yarham
    Hi, we would like to introduce Blnq Studio. https://studio.blnq.io Blnq Studio is a collaborative online playground (HTML, CSS, JS) with a focus on Design Systems and Frameworks. We have been working on it for a few months now and feel it is now in a state where we would like to actively start engaging new users. We work within the Finance Industry (Banks/Hedge Funds/Investment platforms), and a recurrent problem we see is viable high fidelity prototypes; of software, apps and websites being thrown away due to the same set of factors; a lack of easy collaboration, inability to test multiple viewports, no integration into other services, prototypes typically being hard to share with other users. In view of this we built something to let users rapidly prototype ideas for software, applications and platforms using a suite of readily available Design Systems in the fastest time possible. Blnq Studio is a low-code platform, accessible to all types of users. Not just developers. We are rapidly iterating the platform and adding new features on the daily. We would love to get your feedback. Thanks! David & Lewis (Blnq)
    Matthew Behan-Fossey
    @davidyarham Nice website and the product seems pretty robust just after playing with it for 5 mins. I'm wondering who would your ideal customer be? Or what is the desired action that your users take? It is fun to play with, but i'm just wondering how blnqs fit into a prototyping workflow.
    David Yarham
    @matthewbf Thanks for viewing. So... its sort of an hybrid between a development IDE and a Prototyping tool (I know for sure we have to make this a lot easier) e.g. If you create a 'New Blnq' go into 'Configuration' and select 'Acme Corp Design System', then within the HTML tab you can then start typing 'component:' and it will list specific components that can be added (These examples are Web Components, but they could be Angular, VueJs, React etc). This then pairs with the Component Library (Acme in this case) and allows Prototypes using real code to be built pretty fast. Clicking on the Eye after a 'Save' allow instant sharing of a URL for review etc. This also enables lesser developer focussed individuals understand that they can lego brick apps together. If you go here: https://blnq.co.uk/ and scroll down you can see a Video that explains this a bit better than my ramble. Again, we have far to go to make this even easier. Thanks again for your comment, very very much appreciated.
    Charlie Holtz
    I'd like to introduce you to ShlinkedIn — A satirical social network where we're all Thought Leaders, Disruptors, and Titans of Industry! My closest friend and I have recently entered the working world, and although we're in very different fields (him in marketing, me in tech), we both share a commonality: we can't stand LinkedIn. We also found that it's absurdly easy, and absurdly funny, to poke fun at the mish-mash of content marketing, thought leadership, and broetry that makes up 90% of our LinkedIn feeds. So, we decided to create a satirical social network, part fake LinkedIn, part The Onion, part something else, and right now we're calling it...ShlinkedIn. It's still in development, but I'm planning to release a beta to the public soon and I'd love to hear your initial thoughts! Any feedback welcome :) ShlinkedIn.com
    Matthew Behan-Fossey
    @charlie_holtz Weird idea but the screenshot of the tweet on your landing page had me literally laughing... I've signed up to shlink!
    Charlie Holtz
    @matthewbf also any chance we can use that quote on our landing page? We can quote it as "Matthew B."
    Vjeko Skarica
    @charlie_holtz I hope you're not just collecting emails to sell scented candles to unsuspecting strangers. Anyhow, this really made me laugh, cat wait to find out more...
    Mariam Rustamyan
    Hi, makers! I am excited to introduce Navitapp. Our team is working on a travel application. It will be a smart itinerary planner to help travelers to save their time and get a personalized trip. Navitapp will generate 3 entirely planned routes to choose from in just a couple of clicks. Briefly, useful staff to skip hours and hours of travel planning. We are now at the begging of the road. As none of us is skillful startupper any input from the side is very very very important for us. It will be great to hear your opinion about www.navitapp.com As well as MVP of MVP https://app.navitapp.com/ If you like our idea you can find us at upcoming products as well ;)))) https://www.producthunt.com/upco... Thanks in advance!
    Matthew Behan-Fossey
    @mariam_rustamyan Great idea! Although I had to really dig to find out what the app/service did. I found the video at the bottom of your landing page pretty helpful, maybe consider making that more prominent? Other than that good job! I've subscribed to your PH upcoming :)
    Lorenzo Estienne
    @mariam_rustamyan I plan travels regularly and this tool is definitely going to save me a lot of time! Subscribed!!
    Mariam Rustamyan
    @lorenzo_estienne Thank you! One small question. In the plans we have to integrate AI. We want to reach to the point were you just saying to travel assistant something like "Hey Navi, I want to travel for a week with my wife withing budget of 500EURs" and get 3 options (including flight, hotel, travel rout). What do you think will you like something like that?