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  • 4 more followers to 800 amazing friends on Product Hunt. 🔥

    emmanuel Onuoha
    52 replies


    Ilya Tr
    Hello, very cool!!!!
    Now it's 799 :D. Hello Emmanuel, I love seeing Twitter friends on Product Hunt too. And congratulations!!
    Julien Zmiro
    Top Product
    I'm late but I'll be 801!
    Wanna share some tips oh how you did it ?
    Hanna Barzakouskaya
    I'm impressed! Great job
    GaganDeep Tomar
    That's awesome! I'm curious, what strategies have you found most effective in growing your follower count on Product Hunt?
    emmanuel Onuoha
    @gagandt Hey Gagan, i think the most effective strategy for me has been to be of huge support to other creators launching on PH. I've had free consultations for founders launching too, that goes a long way to show my value to the community.
    Olena Bomko
    The LinkedIn Inbound Playbook
    The LinkedIn Inbound Playbook
    Happy to connect with everyone :)
    emmanuel Onuoha
    @olenabomko Hey Olena. Hows your PH experience going for you?
    Olena Bomko
    The LinkedIn Inbound Playbook
    The LinkedIn Inbound Playbook
    @emmanuelonuoha Hi! I had a crazy Product Hunt launch 🔥 1. They didn't show my product on their homepage. Products with 5X less votes were there. 2. They disabled my product launch at all. People couldn't vote. 3. I went live in the middle of the day. 4. They apologized because "unfortunately, we do miss a great launch."
    emmanuel Onuoha
    @olenabomko Wow that was pretty chaotic. Are you planning on relaunching anytime soon?
    Nick Anisimov
    My congrats! Great job.
    Phillip Pak
    You did it! Followed you still though!
    Andrei Kashtanov
    Late to the party, but still +1 👍
    suman saurabh
    you have come along way my friend!
    Aden Will
    "Thanks to everyone who has followed me so far! I'm excited to reach 800 followers soon. I'm grateful for the support of this amazing community."
    Aditya Kumar Saroj
    Hi Emmanuel, just became your 809th follower. Congrats! I am thinking about creating a community of serious mentors and makers (individuals and small teams). I haven't planned anything concrete yet but I would love to have a Community Manager like you onboard as a founding member. Can we connect?
    emmanuel Onuoha
    @aditya_kumar_saroj Hey Aditya, happy to connect. Send me a DM on LinkedIn lets take it from there. Cheers. Looking forward to it.
    Congratulations! This is really a great platform that unites talented and active people!
    @emmanuelonuoha How did you do that??? I'm curious to know about it 🤩
    emmanuel Onuoha
    @girirajasar just be active on here. Support PH founders launching. I'm sure founders will want to connect.
    Marc Bovenzi
    That's awesome man. You have 4 more followers - I have just 3 followers total right now!