Zeta Devs

Zeta Devs

Young apps developer
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Zeta Devs
PocketMark is the MarkDown editor you've been searching for all this time. It aims to be both efficient and good looking with: various subtle animations, a grid view for navigating files, a spacious editor with collapsible side toolbar & customization settings
PocketMark MarkDown editor
PocketMark MarkDown editor
Good looking offline MarkDown editor for android
Zeta Devs
WolfSnap is your ultimate solution for hassle-free receipt management. This app streamlines the process of scanning and digitizing your receipts, transforming your paper trails into a digital archive. With WolfSnap, all your expenses are just a tap away.
Fast and easy receipt scanner, manage expense in seconds
Zeta Devs
Touch the screen and aim your next jump, avoid the Xs and use the walls and power ups to keep going. But be careful if you miss a target you can't jump again unless you hit one in your fall. And don't forget to collect the coins to unlock new skins!
An intuitive and addictive endless arcade game
Zeta Devs
FEcountdown tells you when the next FE session will start and at which time. FEcountdown doesn't bother you with useless text, heavy graphics etc, just the information you came here for: the countdown and the starting time of the next EPRIX sessions
Keep track of when the lights goes out on Formula E
Zeta Devs
TempTalk is a website where you can talk without worries about privacy, here all is temporary! Just create a room send the to whoever you want to chat with and start chatting! All messages will be deleted as soon as everyone left the chatroom
Temporary anonymous chatroom without registration
Zeta Devs
MindBook is your personal virtual space, it can be whatever you want, a place where taking notes, writing memories, thoughts or ideas.
Designed with a minimal and simple interface to please your eyes and let your words speak.

Start writing today!
A place for everything that goes through your mind
Zeta Devs
Zeta Devs
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Those colors are great!
100 Mesh Gradients
100 Mesh Gradients
Make your website beautiful with mesh gradients