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Zach Sekar
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So is the Jan 9, 9am Zoom cancelled? It's showing up as not valid Meeting ID for me
Meetup Hosts Planning For Jan 28 Event: Questions & Answers
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Zach Sekar
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Seems pretty great on my iPhone, guess I waited too long to install on MacOS before the beta filled up.

AI meets email for Mac, iOS and Android

Zach Sekar
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I've been without mine for less than 3 days and I'm not happy. Definitely considering getting this new version.

Herman Miller Aeron
The iconic office chair, remastered

Zach Sekar
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No brainer at such a low price. Great utility made even better with 2.0 update.
Magnet 2.0
Window manager for Mac

Zach Sekar
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This is awesome. I really hope this changes the landscape for macOS desktop app distribution. Some gems included already.

Get 100+ curated Mac apps in a single subscription.

Zach Sekar
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Great work @ramsay_brown Definitely liking this for my distraction apps - gets me thinking *before* I waste time, which makes it more effective than Forest, which I also love. Chrome will be 🔥
Unhook yourself from addictive iOS apps

Zach Sekar
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VLC gets the job done but I'm definitely keeping my eye on this project now.

The modern video player for macOS

Zach Sekar
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Simply the best for longer than I can remember

Handbrake 1.0
The open source video transcoder 13 years in the making

Zach Sekar
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iA writer makes plain text so powerful. I can't imagine going back to another wp for writing and note-taking. Multi platform support is better than the big guys, too. Nested files and Medium/Wordpress integration makes it better than ever for blogging.

iA Writer 4
Embed images, tables and text as blocks of content in text

Zach Sekar
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Definitely a good facelift. Major, long-standing issues in both messages and notifications remain unresolved, though.

Meetup for iOS and Android
Discover groups that are all about the things you love

Zach Sekar
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Checking it out right now. Looks fun but the add photo UX is not very fun

There’s no better wingman than your dog (Tinder w/ your pup)