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Yuxiang Zhu
Are you tired of copying and pasting info of research papers into your Notion database? Academic Notion automates this process for you, so you can use Notion like a real reference management software like Zotero.
Academic Notion
Academic Notion
Make Notion a better alternative to Zotero
Yuxiang Zhu
Yuxiang Zhu
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This is a very small tool and I hope it may help some people.
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Find Numbers That Add Up To Given Values In Google Sheets
Yuxiang Zhu
This helps users find a subset of numbers that add up to one or multiple given target values. * Massive Data Handling: Effortlessly handles thousands of numbers * Multi-Target Matching: Capable of discovering numbers that satisfy several targets at once
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Find Numbers That Add Up To Given Values In Google Sheets
Yuxiang Zhu
PACT turns videos with English subtitles on Youtube into interactive language practice sessions. It also incorporates smartly spaced repetition techniques to effectively review and reinforce any content you struggle with.
Pact English
Pact English
Practice English painlessly with any YouTube video