Yuriy Kitin

Yuriy Kitin

SW Products design and business analysis
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Yuriy Kitin
Webix Gantt is the SPA web UI widget.
1. Tasks
• tasks preview and editing
• subtasks
2. Create/Edit
• duration , progress
• predecessors / successors
4. Chart
• drag-n-drop and resize
• setting predecessors / successors links
Webix JavaScript Gantt Chart
Webix JavaScript Gantt Chart
Gantt Chart - JavaScript PM tool for web developers
Yuriy Kitin
Webix Scheduler is the SPA web UI widget. Integrate it into any business app.
- Fullscreen and compact modes
- Creating and editting events
- Agenda view mode
- Drag-n-Drop support
- Touch frendly mode.
Webix JavaScript Scheduler
Webix JavaScript Scheduler
Scheduler JavaScript online calendar for web developers
Yuriy Kitin
Webix Chat is the SPA web UI widget. Integrate it into any business app.
- Chat rooms
- Creating chat
- Choosing contacts
- Managing the channel
- List of contacts.
Webix JavaScript Chat & Messenger widget
Webix JavaScript Chat & Messenger widget
JavaScript Chat & Messenger JavaScript UI for web developers
Yuriy Kitin
Webix User Manager is the SPA web UI widget. Integrate it into any business app.
- User management
- Rules management
- Role matrix
- Security audit
- Auto-identification and authorization
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Webix JavaScript User Manager
Webix JavaScript User Manager
User manager JavaScript UI admin panel for web developers
Yuriy Kitin
Webix DM is the SPA web UI application for document management purpose. Integrate it into any web app.
- Document groups
- Comments/tags
- Split panels view (total commander style)
- Media files preview and playback
- Build-in TXT and Excel files editor.
 Webix JavaScript Document Manager
Webix JavaScript Document Manager
Document manager JavaScript UI widget for web developers
Yuriy Kitin
Webix Kanban TaskBoard is the SPA web UI widget. You can easily integrate with advanced file explorer into any business application.
Webix Kanban features:
- Drag and drop
- Expand/collapse
- Swimlanes
- Card highlighting
- Context menu for cards
Webix JavaScript Kanban TaskBoard
Webix JavaScript Kanban TaskBoard
Kanban TaskBorad JavaScript UI widget for web developers
Yuriy Kitin
Webix SpreadSheet is the SPA web UI widget offers all functions of Excel-style spreadsheets.
- Excel file formats support
- Formulas and math
- All data types
- Rapid rendering speed
- Clear & nice design
Webix JavaScript SpreadSheet
Webix JavaScript SpreadSheet
SpreadSheet JavaScript UI widget for web developers
Yuriy Kitin
Webix FM is the SPA web UI widget. Integrate it into any business app.
- Split panels view (total commander style)
- Cards view with files preview
- Media files preview and playback
- Preview panel
- Build-in TXT files editor.
Webix JavaScript File Manager 7.2
Webix JavaScript File Manager 7.2
File manager JavaScript UI widget for web developers