Joro Yordanov

Joro Yordanov

Interactive Designer
160 points
All activity
Joro Yordanov
Joro Yordanov
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Looks good, would try it! Congrats, @Denislav!
Hire vetted designers on demand without breaking your bank
Joro Yordanov
Enhancv helps you bounce back on the job hunt with a resume to be proud of. To counter the steep rise in lay-offs, our resume builder becomes free for everyone. We hope this is of value to you and will inspire companies to create more tools battling COVID.
Enhancv COVID-19 Lay-offs Resume Builder
Enhancv COVID-19 Lay-offs Resume Builder
Free eye-catching resume for pandemic lay-offs
Joro Yordanov
Joro Yordanov
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Lovely idea!
Virtual Museums
Virtual Museums
Explore the world's museums, virtually.
Joro Yordanov
Mode Remote is a repository of tips, interviews and resources to guide you in your remote work during these turbulent times. You can share resources with others or give an interview by yourself and share your insights on meaningful and productive remote work.
Mode Remote
Tips, interviews, and resources about remote work
Joro Yordanov
Crowdsourced list of discounts and free deals that companies offer to help individuals and other businesses during the stressful COVID-19 situation
Crowdsourced list of discounts to help you during COVID-19
Joro Yordanov
Relog is a simple CLI tool that can stream log files. With the help of its browser extension counterpart, it can stream them to your JavaScript console in Chrome DevTools as well.
PHP debug logs in your shell and Chrome DevTools
Joro Yordanov
Fonts shown will be forced to render glyphs specific to the chosen language, if they have such.
Font Localization for Google Fonts
Font Localization for Google Fonts
View localized font glyphs in Google Fonts
Joro Yordanov
Joro Yordanov
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I love it!
Anime.js 3.0
Lightweight JavaScript animation library
Joro Yordanov

Calculate The Environmental cost of your Travel

Every year traveling is becoming more and more affordable. Distance is no longer a barrier. However, there is another side of traveling.

Mission Emission is a project that aims to raise awareness of the environmental impact of traveling.

Mission Emission
Your Emission-Free Travel Calculator
Joro Yordanov
Joro Yordanov
left a comment
I've already saved 30 bucks with it 🀯 Pros: It just works! Cons: Couldn't find any
Compare prices of the same product across all Amazon locales