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GitHub App that auto-creates tech stack docs (YML and Markdown) that list out the full tech stack of a repo including: open source, closed source, SaaS, and infrastructure, with metadata about each tool. Like an auto-updating tech stack README file.
Stack File
Stack File
Beautiful automated tech stack docs for your GitHub repos
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Ryan Hoover
Do you use AI-powered software to record meeting notes? If so, what do you use?
Stack Advice is a new way for you to connect with a community of developers to get help making important technology decisions.
Stack Advice
Stack Advice
Get advice from developers on specific tech stack decisions
The StackShare API provides SaaS companies & investors with better technographic/tech stack data than any other service. Imagine all the data on StackShare at your fingertips, plus over 1 million more companies. Use it for leads, enrichment, and trends.
StackShare API
StackShare API
Clearbit for tech stacks: data for 1.5M+ companies
Awesome Stacks is a community-curated list of tech stacks for building different applications and features. Discover powerful tools and platforms for your next project, and share your favorite combinations with other devs.
Awesome Stacks
Awesome Stacks
Discover & share useful tech stacks for your next project 😎

Quickly explain what's in your stack & instantly get in front of the growing StackShare community of 250K+ developers. Decisions are longer than a tweet & much shorter than a Medium post.

We’re launching this w/some of the most ❤️ tools on StackShare, including Microsoft .NET, DigitalOcean, Postman, Codecov, Auth0, Algolia, Kong, Sentry, & Zulip

Stack Decisions
Stack Decisions
An easy way to share why you chose the tools in your stack
Stack News
Stack News
Google Alerts for your tech stack
Stack Match
Stack Match
Find engineering jobs that match your tech stack