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Research Bookmark V3.1
The search engine for UX professionals

Yao Adantor
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Hello all! Am Yao Adantor.
Founder and CEO!
Back in 2020, I built and launched Research Bookmark with 1 goal. To democratize access to quality UX Research information for my immediate team that was and is still distributed around the world. Turns out other people found Research Bookmark just as useful and even more.
Fast track to this year, we have had an opportunity of speaking to our...
Research Bookmark V3.1
The search engine for UX professionals

We qualify and organize thousands of helpful resources ranging from articles, user research tools, books, methods, events, and more. Our goal and mission is to democratize access to UX Research knowledge to experienced and upcoming researchers globally.

Research Bookmark
A digital archive for User Research knowledge.

Yao Adantor
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Hello product hunters. š
My name is Yao and I am the Founder of Research Bookmark.
My team and I are excited to launch V2 of Research Bookmark on Product Hunt. Research Bookmark is the Wikipedia of user research knowledge. We qualify and organize thousands of helpful resources ranging from articles, tools, methods, books and podcasts. Since our first launch in November 2020, we've helped +5k...

Research Bookmark
A digital archive for User Research knowledge.

Yao Adantor
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Been using notion for a while. Your pack supercharged my skills and activities. Great job!

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