Anshul Aggarwal

Anshul Aggarwal

Founding Eng, Broadcast
38 points
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Anshul Aggarwal
Anshul Aggarwal
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Congrats on the launch!
Broadcast 2.0
Broadcast 2.0
Copilot for busy managers
Anshul Aggarwal
Quickly draft updates in Broadcast with AI and share on Slack and Email. Connect existing tools, collaborate easily, and know exactly who's reading with Broadcast - a simple, fast, and easy way to write your next update.
Stop wasting time manually writing weekly updates.
Anshul Aggarwal
Anshul Aggarwal
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This is so sick I’m going to play around with this later today
Slope Pay Now
Slope Pay Now
Most frictionless way to accept payments from businesses
Anshul Aggarwal
Anshul Aggarwal
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Definitely excited to try this out! How do you source companies right now?
An SMS hiring network for the startup world
Anshul Aggarwal
Anshul Aggarwal
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Yo this is awesome imma use it asap
Customizable widgets for your Notion docs
Anshul Aggarwal
Anshul Aggarwal
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Great service, looking forward to getting this for my grandparents!
Protect your loved ones from phone fraud