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Meet HireAI - your AI recruiter that instantly matches you with top developers. Access Arc’s community of 250,000 remote developers from 190 countries without manual search, outreach, and resume screening. Sign up today - it’s free to get started!

HireAI by Arc
ChatGPT for hiring remote developers at lightning speed

Clear. ATS-friendly. Free to use. Upload your existing resume to this developer resume optimizer, or build a new one from scratch. Showcase your skills and experience to tech recruiters, and land your next dev job.
Resume Builder for Developers by Arc
Create or optimize your dev resume for free

Looking for some virtual Halloween fun? Download these free slides and instructions for "The Hike" to play on your next group video call. Use software like Zoom and Slack (or similar), then try to "survive" this slightly evil pick-a-path adventure as a team!
The Hike
A "Choose Your Own Adventure" Zoom game for remote teams