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Will Bishop
Save recipes from Instagram directly to your Pestle Cookbook using on-device AI. Pestle intelligently scans Instagram Reels for ingredients, steps, servings and more, and it does it all in under 1 second using on-device AI (no ChatGPT wrapping here).
Save recipes from Instagram with on-device AI
Will Bishop
Pestle helps you take just the important bits from the recipes you love. Forget the 3 page story and focus on what matters, the ingredients, and the steps.

Scale recipes up and down, convert units, start unlimited timers, and a lot more!
Pestle Kitchen Companion
Pestle Kitchen Companion
Save just the steps and ingredients from any website
Will Bishop
Chirp for Twitter 2.0 is a complete overhaul of the Chirp experience. Chirp is one of the most feature-packed Apple Watch out there. With an Endless Scrolling Timeline, Messages, Lists, Profiles, Trending, Search, and so much more.
Chirp for Twitter 2.0
Chirp for Twitter 2.0
The best just got better
Will Bishop

MiniWiki is the best way to browse Wikipedia™ on your Apple Watch with ease.

If you want to search across over 40 million articles, download articles for offline reading, or find out all about your surroundings with nearby articles, MiniWiki has you covered!

An encyclopedia on your wrist
Will Bishop

Chirp for Twitter is the best way to browse Twitter on your Apple Watch.

You can browse your, timeline, lists, like and retweet things, and even post your own tweets.

Sent and view direct messages, catch up on the latest trends in "Trending", or search for your favourite hashtag.

See quotes, pictures, hashtags, mentions, and so much more.

Chirp for Twitter
Chirp for Twitter
Twitter on your Apple Watch
Will Bishop

Nano is the best way to browse Reddit on your Apple Watch. You can vote, check your inbox, and read the latest news.

Nano also has inline-Twitter support, GIF support, an inbuilt article reader, and so much more!

Nano for Reddit
Nano for Reddit
Reddit on your Apple Watch