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Vojtěch Šibor
Vojtěch Šibor
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Congrats on the launch! :)
Customer feedback insights 6x faster with AI
Vojtěch Šibor
Smartlook’s crash reports feature includes everything from well-known crash analytics tools with a smart addition — session recordings. See exactly where a crash occurred, including which user interaction preceded it.
Crash Reports by Smartlook
Crash Reports by Smartlook
See what happened in the moments leading up to app crash
Vojtěch Šibor
Vojtěch Šibor
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Finally, after many years, I'm at least thinking about it.
Fabian Maume
Will you shift to Bing thanks to AI?
Vojtěch Šibor
Vojtěch Šibor
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Smartlook - for website/mobile app analytics <3
Gloria G
Let's share! What is your frequently-used tool that you really want to recommend to everyone?
Vojtěch Šibor
Vojtěch Šibor
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Almost every day when I see something interesting, I comment to someone.
Fabian Maume
How often do you write comments on Linkedin?