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Nova Blocks is a collection of distinctive Gutenberg blocks, committed to making your site shine like a newborn star. It is taking a design-driven approach to help you make the right decisions and showcase your content in the best shape.
Nova Blocks by Pixelgrade
A collection of distinctive Gutenberg blocks
Vlad Olaru
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I have written this book as a personal exercise in "give before you get." I am passionate about writing and teaching people, so what better subject to start with than a topic I have been "swimming" in for the past ten years: the web in general, and WordPress in particular.
This is a book aimed at less technical site owners, not at developers wishing to discover the next JS or CSS web...
WordPress Website Performance Free eBook
A pragmatic mindset to make decisions about your website.
A no-fuss eBook about making decisions around the complexity involved in building a fast website today. This is a guide for less-technical site owners to help them regain some sanity and focus on what matters most: their craft or business goals.
WordPress Website Performance Free eBook
A pragmatic mindset to make decisions about your website.