Vladimir Levitin

Vladimir Levitin

Founder of NextHuman
53 points
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Vladimir Levitin
Vladimir Levitin
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?makers found some interesting communities! thx! good luck with launch!
Hive Index
Hive Index
Find the best communities on the internet
Vladimir Levitin
Vladimir Levitin
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?makers sooooo flawless! I'm your client! great launch and good luck!
MetaPass by ZELF
Banking in Discord for gamers, first bank of the Metaverse
Vladimir Levitin
Vladimir Levitin
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Branding for and from the hearts and souls of creators!
The New Gumroad
The New Gumroad
Sell what you know and see what sticks
Vladimir Levitin
Vladimir Levitin
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I was reading every line slowly with a lot of ideas sparkling with every word. Thx!
Sarah Wright
Janel Loi's playbook for launching products
Sarah Wright
Vladimir Levitin
Vladimir Levitin
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@lisadziuba , thx for the article! Did you try https://www.xano.com and what was your experience?
Lisa Dziuba
How to ship faster with design sprints and no-code
Lisa Dziuba
Vladimir Levitin
Vladimir Levitin
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Amazing story of a unique family! Let's open a category for Maker Families.
Sarah Wright
The family working to cure loneliness
Sarah Wright
Vladimir Levitin
Vladimir Levitin
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It's hard to say something but... yes, yes, yes!
Grammarly for Desktop
Grammarly for Desktop
Write confidently across desktop apps and websites
Vladimir Levitin
Vladimir Levitin
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Great summary in a simple and elegant form!
Sarah Wright
A makers guide in 7 quotes
Sarah Wright
Vladimir Levitin
Vladimir Levitin
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downloaded because of the design but then found amazing insight, thx @isharna_walsh
Coral 2.0
Coral 2.0
Better sex through a mix of science, stories and exercises
Vladimir Levitin
Vladimir Levitin
left a comment
thanks for the collection sharing!
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