Vlad Alecu

Vlad Alecu

Founder & CEO at WiredVibe
95 points
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Vlad Alecu
Vlad Alecu
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Great product as usual. Keep up the good work! :)
Essay Builder AI
Essay Builder AI
Generate outstanding essays in seconds with AI for free
Vlad Alecu
With AKIDOO you can avoid endless meetings, poor quality standards and expensive agencies. Get instant access to a world-class team of UI/UX designers.
Unlimited Design for your SaaS's Growth πŸš€
Vlad Alecu
Vlad Alecu
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Excellent product, congrats @zolidev! πŸ‘πŸ»
Flowbite 2.0
Flowbite 2.0
Open-source ecosystem built on top of Tailwind CSS
Vlad Alecu
Vlad Alecu
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Really great product, as usual! πŸ”₯
Horizon UI Typescript PRO
Horizon UI Typescript PRO
Trendiest admin template for React & Typescript
Vlad Alecu
KyotoUI offers the world’s most extensive landing page kit optimized for significantly improving conversion rates and design quality.
Aesthetic landing page kit to improve conversion rates
Vlad Alecu
Vlad Alecu
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Great job guys, looks awesome! πŸ‘
Horizon UI TypeScript
Horizon UI TypeScript
Trendiest free TypeScript admin template for React
Vlad Alecu
🧠 WiredVibe is a neuroscience-based music platform that
improves your focus in less than 10 minutes.

Our technology generates personalized sound therapies using health data (via Google), and weather conditions based on your current location.
AI music to get you into the flow state in 10 minutes
Vlad Alecu
Vlad Alecu
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Next level! Congrats πŸ”₯
Horizon UI
Horizon UI
Trendiest open-source React admin template
Vlad Alecu
Vlad Alecu
left a comment
Really cool
The only cookie consent solution you'll ever need
Vlad Alecu
Vlad Alecu
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Great product πŸ”₯
Tailwind CSS Cheat Sheet
Tailwind CSS Cheat Sheet
Every class name from Tailwind CSS on a single page
Vlad Alecu
WiredVibe uses AI to generate music to help you focus, relax, meditate and sleep, backed by scientific research.
With our unique user interface, all your sessions will be flawlessly organized.
Music + AI for Focus and Sleep - Backed by Neuroscience
Vlad Alecu
Have your own Notion-style avatar, professionally designed in no time ⚑️ Customizable hairstyles, beards, accessories, face shapes, eyes, glasses, eyebrows, facial expressions, and more.
Custom Profile Pics for Notion Community
Vlad Alecu
Vlad Alecu
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Really great product! Congrats ⚑️
Purity UI Dashboard PRO
Premium Chakra UI & React Dashboard