Viktoria Pupazina

Viktoria Pupazina

Marketing representative of inqoob
271 points
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Viktoria Pupazina
Viktoria Pupazina
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WoooW this is so great!🤩
Convert 2D vector to the new dimension
Viktoria Pupazina
Viktoria Pupazina
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This looks super solid. Congratulations on the launch
Set up your startup's banking, cards, and bill pay
Viktoria Pupazina
Viktoria Pupazina
started a discussion

Chatbot for business - have you thought about implementing such an automated assistant?

Promising phenomena in digital marketing are chatbots. I believe they are a versatile tool for businesses of all sizes and industries. They automate customer communication, generate leads, sell, and perform various other functions. What do you think about it? Have you thought about implementing such an automated assistant in your companies?
Viktoria Pupazina
Viktoria Pupazina
left a comment
This is awesome @kyrilku ! Congrats on the launch ! What about integration with other services?
Beau 2.0
Beau 2.0
Automate workflows for repetitive customer-facing tasks
Viktoria Pupazina
Viktoria Pupazina
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Congrats on the launch!
Turn your Product Hunt comments into beautiful images
Viktoria Pupazina
Viktoria Pupazina
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Just not the fulfillment of plans! 😅😅😅
Ghost Kitty
What do you hate about sales/marketing?
Viktoria Pupazina
Viktoria Pupazina
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Jira and Google docs, spreadsheet. We have meetings with the team at ZOOM
Sudheer Bandaru
Your favorite productivity tools 🌟
Sudheer Bandaru
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Viktoria Pupazina
Viktoria Pupazina
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Great product. Go team!
Nurture your Twitter following through direct messages
Viktoria Pupazina
Viktoria Pupazina
left a comment
I really like your idea. Congratulations!
Yepic AI
AI generated video fun for the Queen's jubilee by Yepic