Ventsislav Nikolov

Ventsislav Nikolov

Someone who is a developer for fun
16 points
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Ventsislav Nikolov
Vanga is your virtual upsell assistant for Shopify. She works on autopilot by studying your orders and optimizes her upsells with each shopper interaction. When a customer makes an order, Vanga shows them post-purchase upsells and makes you 💰💰💰
Virtual upsell assistant for your Shopify store
Ventsislav Nikolov
Checkout X is an all-in-one, checkout platform optimized to maximize conversion rates and revenue on WooCommerce stores. Use Checkout X to increase online sales with a frictionless checkout and high-converting post-purchase upsells.
Checkout X
Checkout X
The Checkout to Sell More in WooCommerce. For Free.