Vedant Khairnar

Vedant Khairnar

Developer Advocate @Juspay, @hyperswitch
39 points
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Vedant Khairnar
Vedant Khairnar
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Interesting product. Would love to use it.
Skylead 3.0
Skylead 3.0
Close 3x more deals with LinkedIn & unlimited email outreach
Vedant Khairnar
Vedant Khairnar
left a comment
Interesting product with a huge scope. Will definitely give it a try!
Manage and monetize your creative work-in-progress
Vedant Khairnar
Vedant Khairnar
left a comment
Pretty interesting. Definitely going to use this for our mailing. Keep on! Keeping on!!
Personalize every single email at any scale and any language
Vedant Khairnar
Vedant Khairnar
started a discussion

Tell us about a book that has had a profound impact on your business mindset.

Also, describe it in the style of a clickbait headline.
Vedant Khairnar
Vedant Khairnar
left a comment
That the USP is fulfilled without any compromise. It's fine if the additional features aren't there for the time being.
Andy Tran
What is the single most important factor you look for when building an MVP?
Vedant Khairnar
Vedant Khairnar
left a comment
Nice launch!
Your ideas become visually compelling branded social posts
Vedant Khairnar
Vedant Khairnar
left a comment
Here's mine:
Geri Máté
Do you have a personal website?
Geri Máté
Join the discussion
Vedant Khairnar
Vedant Khairnar
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"How to make things happen in spite of the odds"
Mezbaul Alam
What's the most valuable skill you've learned in your career?
Vedant Khairnar
Vedant Khairnar
left a comment
“If you don't like your destiny, don't accept it.” - Naruto Uzumaki
Kajal d4
Share your favorite inspirational quote that motivates you every day.