Vanessa N. True

Vanessa N. True

GMB Optimizer
48 points
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Vanessa N. True
Vanessa N. True
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Looks promising. Congratulations on the successful launch.
MagiScan AI 3D Scanner app
MagiScan AI 3D Scanner app
​Turn anything into 3D with your smartphone
Vanessa N. True
Vanessa N. True
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I read about a job where people are hired to test waterslides for safety and fun—sounds like a splash!
Asa Mckee
What's the most interesting or unusual job you've ever had or heard of?
Vanessa N. True
Vanessa N. True
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Lazy morning in bed.
Betty Williams
How do you start your Sunday?
Betty Williams
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Vanessa N. True
Vanessa N. True
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Scotland: The rugged landscapes, rich history, and mythical allure of the Highlands beckon me for an unforgettable journey.
Nataniel Garner
If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?
Nataniel Garner
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Vanessa N. True
Vanessa N. True
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Failure. The chilling shadow of unrealized dreams.
Grant Call
What is your biggest fear?
Vanessa N. True
Vanessa N. True
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Lists! Crossing off tasks is my daily victory dance.
Benith Harbor
How do you prioritize your tasks?
Benith Harbor
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