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Vamshi Vangapally
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Much needed product in the infrastructure space! Congrats on the launch @yogeshdarji @eshanc 🙌🚀
Lumino AI
Serverless LLM Fine-Tuning SDK

Chainlist is a list of EVM networks. Users can use the information to connect their wallets and Web3 middleware providers to the appropriate Chain ID and Network ID to connect to the correct chain.

Helping users connect to EVM powered networks

Your Plug into the #InternetComputer Smiling face with sunglasses Identity + Wallet in one Principal ID Man mage Hold, send, swap, deposit cycles, ICP, NFTs and log into IC apps in a click!

Plug Wallet
Plug into the Internet Computer

Vamshi Vangapally
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Looks great! Can I include list of podcasts I listen somewhere on this?
Share your contacts and social profiles stupidly easy

Vamshi Vangapally
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Stay "Tuned" after "Tinder" and soon there'll be an app "Thunder" to keep ex's in touch.

A new app for couples, by the Facebook NPE team

Vamshi Vangapally
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I guess ads are fine, but unwanted ads are not! I happily watch youtube ads without skipping if they are good and interesting - also never complain about spotify ads as I am getting free music. But I am just scared of those unwanted popups that could install malware - so, use an adblocker.
Do you use ad-blockers when browsing online?
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Vamshi Vangapally
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I never wrote as I was not confident about my writing style, passive/active voice and more such nitpicks. However, when I was learning about cryptocurrency - I felt I was explaining a lot of stuff again and again to my friends on personal chats. I am an active person on IM with good typing speed - so I used to write paragraphs of information. When I realized that I was being redundant and many...
How do you build a writing habit? ✍️
Anne-Laure Le Cunff
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Vamshi Vangapally
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This is not progress! This is basically ruining your cities and making your traffic as hell! We've seen the hell in India and appreciate the car-only situation here (because of their usage of lanes). Try making separate lanes (instead of side walks) for electric scooters - but a Vespa style (which is called moped) will cause havoc. Traffic nightmare if goes unchecked for sometime given the...

Uber for electric mopeds

Vamshi Vangapally
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Concerned about my battery life here!
Google Live View
Google Maps now has AR enabled directions

Vamshi Vangapally
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@eulerr Reddit and Blind app got me few initial customers as our product was related to cryptocurrency trading and those were places where people could pseudo-anonymously post their problems about tax implications. That's where I could pitch BearTax.
How did you attract your first customers?
Denis Shershnev
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Vamshi Vangapally
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Crazy! @sumukhsridhara

VC Starter Kit
Everything you need to look like a Venture Capitalist

Vamshi Vangapally
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Read about it and the story behind on HN a few days ago. Good initiative @snigdha! Looking forward to reading/listening/watching sensible stories from South Asia.

The Juggernaut
A premium publication for untold South Asian stories

Vamshi Vangapally
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Congrats @_n1ks on the launch of Superorder . Keep rocking.
All-in-one cryptotrading terminal with automation ⚙️💸

Vamshi Vangapally
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Good one! Every Maker Indexed!

Maker Rank
Your favorite makers, ranked 👩🎤

Vamshi Vangapally
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Whoa! YC backs restaurants too! That's interesting.
I thought it's something related to MACD on trading view - could be a good name for a trading analysis platform!

A custom mac & cheese restaurant out of YC

Vamshi Vangapally
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A name changed the perception so much! When it was toshi, I couldn't understand it's purpose. Felt it like a transfer app with chat. Now it all makes sense.
Keep rocking Coinbase 🙌

Coinbase Wallet
The easiest and most secure crypto wallet

Vamshi Vangapally
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Sounds interesting! Appreciate the upfront "Export trades" option

Oasis Direct
A decentralized, instant cryptocurrency exchange 💸