I am a Software Engineer and Product Designer. I spend my time building things. What I am working on: - I am currently CTO at Crisp, a customer support SaaS, that I co-founded with Baptiste Jamin. https://crisp.chat - On the side, I am also working on Prose, a decentralized team messaging app, powered by XMPP. https://prose.org - I have a personal website, on which I sometimes blog, publish my projects and list books I have read. https://valeriansaliou.name - I maintain popular OSS projects: Sonic (search index), Vigil (status page), Sales Tax (VAT calculator), and more. https://github.com/valeriansaliou - Oh, and one last thing: I co-invented MakAir, the world's first open-source medical ventilator. https://github.com/makers-for-life/makair
Founder & Leadership at Crisp

Maker History
- CrispGive your customer messaging experience a human touch
- Overlay by CrispNov 2024
- MagicReply by CrispJun 2023
- Crisp WidgetNov 2022
- Crisp 3.0Oct 2019
- Crisp Status PageJul 2018
- Crisp LivechatJul 2017
- Crisp 2.0Mar 2017
- CrispDec 2015