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Greg Schwartz
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Does it record the people around you, or only your voice?

Omi (formerly Friend)
An open source AI necklace

Greg Schwartz
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Hi, love the idea. How does it compare to other boilerplate like and ? Also, does it integrate or support (which generates models, migrations, CRUD code, etc)? I'm not a developer of any of those, but I've been eyeing all of them :)

Build and ship AI tools super fast

Greg Schwartz
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I'm doing it now, and have had a hard time keeping going on it. Like @nick_glavin, I'm the only founder, and don't have any full-time employees yet.
Part of why I want to build in public is because I have challenges with anxiety, overwhelm, and depression. And I've heard from other men (outside startupland) how it's helped them when I talk about that. So I'm trying to both share about...
#buildinpublic is it a new hype trend or smart way for brand awareness???
Aleks Bochkov
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