Umar Saif

Umar Saif

Helping digital services and products 📈
62 points
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Umar Saif
Umar Saif
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Rank and become #POTD with the help of WellDev

WellDev is helping businesses with custom software development services. We can help you develop softwares/apps or provide you with developers to create your dream projects. Technologies that we cover: Ruby, C#, Python, php, Swift, JavaScript, Java, Kotlin, HTML5, CSS 3, Bulma, Bootstrap, Tailwind, TypeScript, React JS, Angular JS, Vue.JS, Ruby On Rails, Microsoft .NET, Kubernetes, MySQL,...
Umar Saif
Umar Saif
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Getting spammed on LinkedIn ?

Well if you are using PH for sometime, you must have faced this. 😅 I get a number of LinkedIn messages everyday to support launches on PH. I try to reply to all and also support their launch. But it’s becoming hectic to do so nowadays, too many requests and I’m having a busy schedule myself. I still hope and will try my best to support. Waiting to hear your encounters. Share your experience 👇🏽
Umar Saif
Umar Saif
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Looks good! Willing to try it out.
Passionfroot Discovery
Discover & book top creators to promote your product
Umar Saif
Umar Saif
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B2B Software Development Services

I’m just curious if product hunt is a place to promote my B2B software development services, or not. What do you think?
Umar Saif
Umar Saif
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This looks promising! Would love to try it out.
Skylead 3.0
Skylead 3.0
Close 3x more deals with LinkedIn & unlimited email outreach
Umar Saif
Umar Saif
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What’s the best approach to get clients for a web development company?

I am currently working on how to increase leads and clients for a well equipped and established web development company. Is there any preferred platforms or mode of marketing that I should initially focus on? Please share your thoughts.
Umar Saif
Umar Saif
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Awesome! Will surely try it out.
Fieldmobi Smart Notes
Turn your team messages into searchable and analyzable data
Umar Saif
Umar Saif
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How can launching your product here help you increase your sales?

Well, tbh it really gives a massive boost if you have a successful launch and stay high on the list for quite some time. In order to increase conversion, you'll have to work on your website where you'll have to convince your user to try your product.
Umar Saif
Umar Saif
started a discussion

How can launching your product here help you increase your sales?

Well, tbh it really gives a massive boost if you have a successful launch and stay high on the list for quite some time. In order to increase conversion, you'll have to work on your website where you'll have to convince your user to try your product.
Umar Saif
Umar Saif
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Looking forward to try it
All-in-one HR platform for founders with dreams and teams
Umar Saif
Umar Saif
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The Rise of AI-Powered Personal Assistants: Enhancing Productivity or Threatening Human Interaction?

In an era of rapid technological advancements, AI-powered personal assistants have become an integral part of our daily lives. These virtual helpers, such as Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant, are designed to make our tasks easier, streamline our routines, and provide quick access to information. On the other hand, tools like ChatGPT, GetGenie Ai, and many others are making life easier for...
Umar Saif
Umar Saif
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Thanks for the suggestions peeps
Umar Saif
Launched our very first product
Umar Saif
Umar Saif
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Planning on starting my own software business

Please share some tips and tricks if you’re in the business 👨‍💼
Umar Saif
Umar Saif
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We don’t always stick to the initial plan till the end.
Aizhan Asanbaeva
What's the most important lesson you've learned about building a successful product?
Aizhan Asanbaeva
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Umar Saif
Umar Saif
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Great product!
Product photography made trivially easy
Umar Saif
Umar Saif
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GetGenie Ai
Umar Saif
Launched our very first product
Umar Saif
Umar Saif
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Launched our very first product

Hey Everyone, We just launched GetGenie Ai on product hunt. It would be a great help if you could support the product by upvoting and commenting through the link below.
Umar Saif
Umar Saif
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Umar Saif
Will you support a product launch?