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DSTitan is a manual Ebay lister that takes care of all dropshipping processes in a single interactive and accessible place. Grow your own e-commerce business with the help of our intuitive platform.

DS Titan
DSTitan is an automated manual Ebay lister

Unlock unparalleled precision in your marketing campaigns by segmenting from a vast database of 215 Million US household profiles. Our platform leverages over 300 variables, including demographics, politics, finance, products, interests and more.

Marketing precision with unlimited marketing datasets

Tyler Horan
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Hello everyone, I am product owner of Structure. Structure is a data-enrichment tool for companies that want to learn more about their customers and build data-driven features on top of customer profiles. I've got a lot of features on the roadmap including psychographics, team fit prediction and more. Would love to get your thoughts on the product.

Discover rich information on people and companies

Structure offers comprehensive data on more than 700 million individuals worldwide by connecting B2B data, like work history and education, to company data. We offer data on over 24 million company profiles.

Discover rich information on people and companies

Empowering tech talent to find belonging at work by surfacing fair, balanced, first-person feedback on teams and their leaders, all before contracts are signed. Sign up today and explore what Candor can offer in your journey to finding belonging at work.

Candor 2.0
Empowering tech talent to find belonging at work